CPR please!!

Paul N

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jun 10, 2005
CT, not far from the LI Sound
This town is dead this week....everyone left it seems, and forgot to tell me!

Note to self: Next year vacations plans should include the week BEFORE Easter!!

Anybody doing as badly this week??
yup...its gorgeous out. I think I'm going to the ice cream place down the road for a van/choc twist hmmmmmm.

I hear thats where all my customers are
Originally posted by Paul N:
Note to self: Next year vacations plans should include the week BEFORE Easter!!
Ditto!! Nice weather. Pre-Easter. On the calendar for next year!

Yep, slow here too. I just placed my weekly order, almost all supplies! Ouch.
Maybe a good "rest time" for those of us recovering, eh Paul? Doesn't pay the bills tho.
You forgot taxes, too. I just called my CPA and told him I need an extension this year, too...

Paul, your customers are probably concerned about you and want you to take it easy. Anyway, that's my story...
Concerned?? I am getting concerned about myself too if no one shows up this week...I might bust a vein in my new eye!!!

I told my accountant I am filing in August too; thought I'd be too "busy" to file in April....!

Anyway, dumped about 30 old samples, put 25 new ones in their place, I need a nap!
Add taxes, Easter & spring break together and it all adds up to a slow period.

We try to run specials and sales during historicly slow times. Several years ago befor the BB we ran a 50% off the frame sale for the month of February and had sale of over 100k for the month.

Unfortunatly these sales don't have the same bang as they did 6 years ago.
April has been very slow every year for me. That is why come **** or high water I am taking my first real vacation in 4.5 years the last week of this month. Gonna close her down for a week. But, I had a killer March so I am not too concerned about making my nut this month.

Then.....postcard to my database in May. May has been a good time to advertise for me anyway.

Things have been looking up.....a little......just a little.
Kathy -

WOW! I am surprised and happy to hear about your taking a vacation!! Hope you are going somewhere very relaxing and fun for you!!

Thanks Roz! Yeah, it is a pretty big step for me. It has been a long 4-1/2 years. I'm only going on a short 3 day trip. The other 5 days will be spent catching up on my life. I just wanna stay home and catch up on home projects.... I wanna have lunch with friends..... I wanne let the kitties lay out on the deck for more than 15 minutes at a time..... I really miss my life.
Too funny CPR and CPA are just one letter away!
(I am a certified CPR instructor so I guess it is funny to me)
March was great for me as well so I guess that you have to take the good with the bad April is down
but our antique business was great this month go figure??????
Actually, from June last year (which was BAD) through March, all were good months, so can't really complain much if another slow month hits us.

I guess it is a good time to take a day or 2 off, clean up and organize the place too. And, maybe buy and install PIF / IF? Nah, not yet! I'd better wait till I can see clearly.


Funny about CPR and CPA: Might need the first when the latter hits me with the tax bill!
Kathy makes a good point about planning. If you keep and analyze good records you can plan for these historic down months

Typically the deck is stacked against us in April (it's our slowest month):

Monies spent for the home generally goes outside in April, not inside

The important thing is to understand those "natural" trends and not let it beat you up

After all, it's not like you suffer a down month and get served a suit like JRB in the same period
I'm happy to report we have not slowed down since Christmas. (Knock on a wood frame.) But to keep it going, we've started a monthly direct mail marketing plan including customer appreciations, cancer fundrasiers, new artist promo's etc.

Someone much wiser than me stated -
What do you do in the good times? MARKET.
What do you do in the bad times? MARKET.
Just like McDonald's, Coke and Pepsi...

May the next few months of Minnesota "Cabin fever" stay strong.

"you can do homework from now until doomsday, but you will never win fame and fortune unless you also invent Big ideas. It takes a Big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a Big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night." From: Dave Ogilvy On Advertizing.