Courtesy Hangers


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I put courtesy hangers on all my frame packages - as a courtesy!!

I have had more than one customer say "Thank you but I have the really good ones at home"..

And what would they be referring to besides the brass ones?

And are they really that much "better"?



Thanks for your feedback.

But please tell me why they like those better... besides being more attractive are they any easier to use or stronger!??

If this is so, I would certainly consider providing these - especially on my high end projects!!

Thanks, again,

I think they like them not just because they look real purty, but also for the fact that they use those pin-looking things rather than larger-diameter nails, leaving only tiny holes in the wall. That's my guess.
A few hanger tips:

United's brass picture hangers #2629 (packaged as courtesy hangers) or #3495 (blister-packed for resale) or #2332 (bulk) are very good and a fraction of the price of the Floreat hangers.

Buy them in bulk in a couple of sizes and get some itty-bitty zip-lock bags from you favorite craft store. Then you can send the appropriate size and quantity with each order for pennies-a-piece.

You can even buy the brass-headed nails separately if you need extras.
I'm not sure if they are stronger, but I was surprised at their holding power. I put a 32 x40 beveled mirror into a wide, heavy moulding (LJ 924114).T'was pretty heavy. Been hangin from one of those floreat hangers now for about a year with the three dainty pins sunk into nothing but sheetrock.
Katman, you should be ashamed of yourself!

If ever there was a time for WallBuddies, that mirror would be it.
The Floreat Hangers really ARE that much better. they come in several sizes.We give them out when customers pick up their framing. We do not pack them with the frame jobs. It is just a little more special if you hand them out at the time they pick up the frame order.

We pack them in lil" zip bags . They are about 1 1/2 x 2. When my fingers are sore and cracked ( like this time of year ) it is really hard to open those little bags.
I am looking for a little bigger size. Does anyone know a good source?
I don't think free hangers included with a framing order have any perceived value. We've all gotten pieces in for one reason or another that still have the original hanger taped to the wire.

The same hanger in a package with a price tag on it, taken off the wall and given to the customer when they pick up their order, looks like a thoughtful gift.

OR - you could just put WallBuddies on everything.

Ron--yup, was going to use WallBuddies on it. But my LJ rep was in just as I was getting ready to put them on and said I should try the floreat hangers. I told him I didn't think the floreat would stay in the wall. Through down the gauntlet and it appears I lost.
We used to include a “courtesy” hanger on the back of each frame, (not the Floreat ones – they’re too expensive, but the standard nickel plated 30 pound jobbies), but like Kit, when the customer returned ‘cause they wanted to change the mat or the kids were playing Frisbee in the house and needed to replace the glass, the “courtesy” hangers often were still on the back. … so we stopped doing it.

Instead of tiny zip lock bags, we used to seal ‘em up with left over shrink wrap plastic. It saved money and I liked the fumes.

We still give them out, but first ask the customer if they want one.
I've been using the Ook Pro Hangers from Impex. The nail and hook are a little heavier than the Floreat brand and the top of the hook is broader which seems to make less of a mark on the wall if you smack it a little too hard. In reality it's a small point but as an installer I feel I should use the best and if they are not the best they sure are the most expensive. Most of my customers are becoming familiar with the brand since Home Depot started selling them and several have even commented on the hangers I use.

When taking art down I always check what hanger is used and I've rarely seen a "Floreat style" hanger look like it was coming out of the wall but I have seen many of the bent metal cheapies that many shops pass out free look like they were holding on by a thread. When hanging art I usually take the cheapies off the wire and throw them away and use my own.

Oh, I use a lot of the 100lb Ook hangers for hanging mid sized mirrors. Because of the weight I often use a mollyscrew through the hole to add a little extra support besides the nails.

Impex also sells line of "Shield" hangers which look pretty cool but I have a problem justifying the cost (50lb hanger is $2.25 in bulk). One of them is a 160lb hanger that uses 6 nails! The idea behind them is they cause as little damage to your walls as possible. On some custom finishes that may be worth the expense but for most of my customers the minor wall damage is easily fixed with spackle and a dab of paint. and that's only if we're not hanging another piece in the same spot.
Except for the tiniest of frames, I always give TWO brass courtesy hooks (United 2629). I show the customer the wire on the back, explain about how far apart to put the hooks, then tape the two pkgs. to the outside of the wrapped frame. This way they have a better chance of being noticed and used than if they are affixed to the back.

For large pieces that are hung from D-rings or Wallbuddies, I make a cardboard template with holes to mark through for the hook locations. This also serves to protect the glass on the way home. People really appreciate this nice surprise that makes their job so much easier.

:cool: Rick
For large pieces that are hung from D-rings or Wallbuddies, I make a cardboard template with holes to mark through for the hook locations. This also serves to protect the glass on the way home.
You're a smart guy, Rick. That's EXACTLY what I do!

A guy picked up a shadowbox yesterday with a photo, a signed baseball and the pen used to sign it. I explained about the Wallbuddies and the hanging template. I explained that I'd used Acrylite OP-3 instead of glass 'cause he's going to ship this thing. I explained how everything was attached down so it could be removed if necessary.

When I was finally done explaining, he looked at me and said, without a trace of sarcasm, "God, I love shopping here."

The courtesy, or good-will, hangers are just another excuse to explain how special your service is.

I'd guess they actually use them about half the time.
I need educated. What are the advantages of the hangers over a plain old nail? Maybe the hangers won't pull out of a piece of sheetrock or thin planeling like a nail will?
That's part of it.

Also, the hook presents a larger surface in contact with the wire, so it's less likely to damage the wire.

But, mostly, the geometry of the well-designed hanger is such that it can support a tremendous weight with minimal damage to the wall.

I will sometimes use the brass-headed nails alone to hang 8x10s in my own shop, though.

The hooks supplied with Wallbuddy hangers actually support the brackets on the nails themselves. The "hook" portion is just to add strength and support the nail at the best angle and depth.