Couple of shadowboxes...

Jin Wicked

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 14, 2002
Houston, TX
I didn't pick the colours or frames for these monsters... the sword is on the Greenbrier silk; the cane is one of those leather-look mats and Palimino suede. I took photographs of them at my boss's request, and posted them on my LiveJournal, so I thought I'd post them here as well.

The sword really caused a problem. I had to make the little beveled raised part to cover up my coworker's attempt to make a hole for part of the crossguard, which got too big. I have *no* idea why a ninja sword, old British looking soldier, and a picture of a boy scout were all put in the same frame, so don't ask.



Jin, I agree about the strange mix in the sword piece, but you did a fine job. Customer's always right, anyway...

Now the cane, I LOVE it! The wood exudes such warmth and, well, comfort. What kind(s) of wood is the frame made from? Really nice!

They both look great.
yeah thats a good job there.

This is quite cool because I have a sword to do as well and the wifie told me to just please myself how I did it.

You don,t mind me completely ripping this off do you Jin?

The sword I have is a Japanese officers sword from the second world war so it saw a bit of action.I actually shudder to think what it has been used for...the Japs were pretty awful to our prisoners of war at that time.
Reynard. Small world.. I too have a Japanese Officers sword. A fighting sword NOT ceremonial. From WW2 that was 'raffled' (if that is the correct word), to the ships company of a Royal Navy Aircraft Carrier, after taking the Japanese POWs onboard. My second Father won the prize and it comes complete with 'associated paperwork'. It has seen a lot of use, not really sure if I want to frame it. On the other hand it is wrapped in it protective covering and put to one side, so just maybe it needs to be displayed.
Jin Now I really jealious. The stuff I posted was all simple to mount Cross stistch .With The exception of the Box piece I had no real challages. What did you use to mount all that stuff ? Espeially the sword .I once ( a long time ago) mounted a piece of Waterford Crystal in the shape and size of a cane .I used Monofilament line to blend in with the Crystal. But I have since learned that that is a bad idea,due to it's streching potential.However when I saw it last it still looks fine.What did you use?They both are mounted so great and staright and I can't see anything holding any of the articles.Also what moulding is that on the cane? it looks wide but is deep enough to accomodate the cane.Dod you stack two profiles?

[ 06-22-2003, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
Sorry Buddy, I don't know the names of the mouldings -- the cane is a regular frame with one of the black boxers behind it, I sanded it down and let it dry overnight with wood glue then added some really small braces outside the back. Under the mats it's just built up with foamcore built out almost to the bevel and then more of the backing mat, I always do my boxes that way because I like how it looks really tight and contained. The sword is done the same way but the shadows make it hard to see that the lining inside is green also.

The cane is made of bamboo, I'm not sure if the handle is real ivory or not. I wasn't there to ask the lady when she picked it up. I actually ended up putting the hanging hardware the other way around, because I did it how it was photographed, and then flipped it over and liked it tipping up towards the right instead.

The cane is just sewn down with nylon thread. I wasn't aware that was a problem? I wrap them several times, and I've never had anything come loose or cause a problem yet. It's fairly light and well supported. The sword and scabbard are sewn down the same way, except that the crossguard of the sword is pushed partially down into a hole in the matboard and about two layers of foam core behind it, so that supports most of the weight. There are some little knobs on the crossguard that held the stars, so I anchored the threads there, and they really aren't visible except from above and below. I had to sink mat the old picture because it was on some kind of board. The stars are just sewn down and the little plaques are glued on. I did put a little dot of glue under the sword tip to keep it from swinging around inside the box.

The sword is in a shadowbox frame with a boxer behind it. I wasn't happy with that, as it was hard to assemble and I was unsure that it was stable enough, but I didn't sell it and had no choice but to make do. We had that sword in the shop for about six months because the previous manager sold it and never completed the order, and she was one of those people that has to know everything, even when she actually doesn't... so I didn't even have the pleasure of arguing with the salesperson over this one.

And yeah, copy the design all you want, I don't mind.
I've started taking my camera to work so I'll probably take more pictures of things like this. I'll have to make sure I get some of the ones I actually design...