PFG, Picture Framing God
Does anyone here recall an article in PFM by Hugh Phibbs showing a really cool way to make corner pockets? I recall that the pockets would have little flaps or something similar sticking out, and those would be attached to the back mat. It would also allow the pocket to be a little more flexible and allow for expansion and contraction of the artwork?
I've been looking through my back issues and can't seem to find it, nor can I find it on the PFM website.
p.s. Don't you hate it the way they tease you there? They have lots of good articles listed in the archives, but in many cases no PDF to go with it.
I've been looking through my back issues and can't seem to find it, nor can I find it on the PFM website.
p.s. Don't you hate it the way they tease you there? They have lots of good articles listed in the archives, but in many cases no PDF to go with it.