Copying Mail from Outlook Express


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
I'm too tired to figure this out: tried everything. I want to copy saved/sent messages from one OE identity to either another one or a separate folder. This is prepatory to killing off my initial ID and email address. Since the saved/sent messages are accessed only through this ID from the Switch Identities option, won't I remove the ability to get to the messages if I remove the ID? to you send what you want to save to another place? When I try to Move To..., it brings up yet another folder within just that same ID. Can someone help me? My only other option is to set up a new ID, send messages to it to build a file, then kill it off and see if I can still access them. Seems there should be a better way?? Thanx.
Hi MM,

I'm a bit confused about the question, but want to help. When you say "identities", do you mean mail accounts that share the same INBOX? Outlook/Outlook Express can handle dozens of different email addresses, sharing the same in/out/sent/deleted boxes. If you change ISPs and erase one (Tools->accounts), and add another, the old emails will remain in your folders.

If you meant that you have a Windows XP identity set up(for different users sharing the same computer), with completely unique mailboxes, there's a solution for this too. Click on the folder you wish to export, go to FILE, EXPORT, pick a format (Tab format for Windows is fine), then select a location and name for the file. ex: c:\inbox. The program will export a copy of the contents to that file, which you can later import into another profile (or to a different machine, if you save it to a disk). You can do the same thing for all mail folders, as well as calendar, contacts, tasks, etc.

To import these from the new machine or user profile, click on the empty folder, FILE -> IMPORT -> BROWSE to find the correct file ex: c:\inbox -> NEXT -> FINISH.

outlook.pst is the actual file that has it all, which can be backed up as a third option.

I hope this helps. If not, email or call and I'll be glad to walk you through the steps.


[ 04-11-2003, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: RHODY ]
Hmmm... I think Outlook Express must be slightly different than Outlook. I've never used Outlook, but know that OE doesn't have a calender or task list. Also, OE doesn't use .pst files. It has .wab address books and .dbx mail folders (one for each subfolder - they are named Inbox.dbx, Sent Items.dbx, Grumble Mail.dbx, et cetera).
This answer probably doesn't add a thing to this question, but this is my experience.

A year and a half ago, I inherited my cousin's computer. She had Outlook Express and I have AOL.

She had hundreds and hundreds of letters. I wanted to keep her personal ones as a history for me. That was about 150 letters.

I did create a new folder and put all of the stuff I wanted in it. Then I tried to transport the mail to my other computer or at least to somewhere I could access it. Nothing worked. It just would not transport. I talked to all kinds of computer "geniuses" and it would not mail or transfer out of there no matter what they told me to try.

Finally, I printed it all on paper, used E-6000 under my ribbon binding over matboard front and back covers and now I have a beautifully bound book of my cousin's life. I will never lose it inside a computer.

I never did figure out how to get those darn letters to move.
Sounds like a terminology problem. I wonder if the identity issue mentioned is Windows startup/login rather than Outlook Express.

I have 5 different email accounts that I use to send and receive email from the same session of Outlook Express. It was a bit confusing and overwhelming at first, but now it seems simple.

If I delete any of the accounts, all of the email for that account stays intact, nothing disappears.

When I compose a new email, there is a pull down menu for me to use to pick the "From" address that I wish to use.

We all want to help....
Rick, I'm wondering if it isn't a terminology problem as you say. I'll noodle it all over tomorrow: been an over-the-top week and I have a muddled head. All the above instruction needs my attention, and I'll bet I'll be back!
perhaps with a clearer picture. P.S. My guru brother couldn't copy it either.
oops! im sorry about that. The *.PST filename I gave is for the full version, not express. I just loaded up OE to verify.

OE does, in fact, have a little known IDENTITY feature. (file -> identity) I bet this is what she meant. XP manages this now, so it's not necessary. It was meant for multiple people to share the same computer with unique content, and isn't the same as having multiple email accounts in tools -> accounts. If this is the case, the instructions for exporting and importing should be valid. (even if just as a backup precaution, in case erasing the identity also erases the contents)

Another possibility is to KEEP the current identity and simply modify the email account settings in tools -> accounts. (removing the old and adding the new, so it uses the same folders with old emails) Tools -> accounts can even handle more than one email address with a single "identity", and keeps track of which one to put in the FROM: field, when you reply to a message. I have about 9 in mine right now, and it checks them all when doing a send/receive.

Sorry, again, for making an ASSumption.
