Copying Files

Doug Gemmell

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2002
Everett, WA
When I try to back up files in Windows ME, My Documents, by copying them to disc I get a message "Cannot create or replace. Directory or file cannot be created". The files are not write protected. I've not had this problem in the past. I've tried copying to different media and get the same message.

Destination is "Removable Disk D". Its one of those flash drive things that plug into the USB. I looked on its properties but didn't see anything about write protect in there. Is there somewhere else I should look?

James if you haven't by now, you will soon find out that I know very little about computors.
I run into this problem on occasion with XP-Pro trying to copy to a cd burner. I haven't figured out why it does it yet but I have a work around that I use. If you close the file you are trying to copy then you should be able to use Windows Explorer to drag and drop it into the usb flash drive. Give it a shot and let us know if you still have problems.
Some flash cards (CompactFlash and SD that I know of) have a tiny, sliding, physical “lock” tab on them to prevent overwriting.

See if you can find a nearly microscopic plastic slide tab on it and trying moving it in the other direction.
It sounds full to me, too
The USB device has 5.09 MB used and 239 MB free. There is a write protect tab that works ie, gives write protected message when on. It won't let me move or copy anything to it no matter what I've tried. Must be a bad device? I can copy the information to a CD.
Hmm.. you can't copy *anything* to it? Like if you create a brand new text file on your desktop, call it something bizaar like "CopyThisFilePlease.TXT", and copy it to the flash drive, do you still get that error? I'm wondering if a file or folder you're trying to copy is set to "read only" on the drive and you're trying to overwrite it...

I searched google for your error message, and found a few hits from people having the same issue. HP even has a web page dedicated to this topic.

So if copying a brand-new 0k file size text file doesn't work, then there's either something wrong with the device or the drivers that support copying files to it (unlikely).

Is the amount you're copying less than 239 MB??

What about the amount that is used on the drive, how did that get copied to the drive? (The drive must have worked for that to be copied there; so copy protection might not be the issue here)
Thanks for the web site suggestion Steve, I'll check it out.

As you mentioned Paul, I was able to copy to it at one time. Can't copy or move anything to it now. I think it's broken.

Also, thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my problem.