
Baer Charlton

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
May 24, 2004
Engineering Degree in Waste Water Management Design. :D
Bravo, Baer. I hope the customer really appreciates all the detail and extra labor that went into this job!

My favorite part is the "ripples" on the glass, I mean, water.

Just yer averaging framing job from Mr. Charlton. Sheesh!

Did you keep the framing package in place with points, silicone or copper foil and solder?

How did you get the rabbet?

That has a real "flow" to it..... I like it!!

And, to repeat - how'd you get the fitting done!?


Don't all pipes come with a basswood liner?? :confused:

Mat is 8-ply rag.
Mat under glass which is also pond, is 4-ply rag.
Document "mounted with Lineco corners and edge plates. 8-ply rag backer as well as 1/4" AF foam core.

57 hours. $428 in materials. 23K would have been cheaper.
What are the little buildings made of? Legos?!

Also what are the pipes and the gravel? Did you make them or are they from a 3-D modeling company?

Really cool job, looks great!
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:

57 hours. $428 in materials. 23K would have been cheaper.
Looks great Baer but clear this up for me.......I thought it was actual pipe that you manufactured into a frame. Am I wrong? If so, where does the $428 and 57 hours come in?

........and what kind of a retail price did you get for that? By my shop hourly charge and my mark up on materials I would have to sell that for $5100.................

Geez, you come up with some cool ideas.....I love it!
Way cool Baer. I applaud your choice of materials considering some of the alternatives related to the field.
Originally posted by Emibub:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baer Charlton:

57 hours. $428 in materials. 23K would have been cheaper.
Looks great Baer but clear this up for me.......I thought it was actual pipe that you manufactured into a frame. Am I wrong? If so, where does the $428 and 57 hours come in?

........and what kind of a retail price did you get for that? By my shop hourly charge and my mark up on materials I would have to sell that for $5100.................

Geez, you come up with some cool ideas.....I love it!
</font>[/QUOTE]Real pipe. Schedual L. (That was the thinnest wall copper I could get in a 2-1/2" pipe. Also I only comes wholesale in a 20' joint. + 4 90 degree elbows....... $378.

Pipes, buildings,grass, and white rock are all "H O" gauge modeling stuff. By the time I had left the model shop for the third time: $50. ( and people tell framers that WE are expensive!)

Kathy, you math is correct... Except... on those big jobs, there is an unwritten rule.... You are SUPPOSED to loss your assett. So you mark it down a bit... $4,300..... You probably forgot the museum glass.....
It's not the worst "hosing" I have taken on a frame job. :D
OK - I have been plumbing the depths of my vocabulary and I have decided to pipe up and comment on this copper frame.

Sorry Mar, but Cow is processed as fertlizer.... :D

This would be about something else...

thanks for all the ooohing and awing folks. It is graciously appreciated.....
So Baer, two last questions:

  • Are you implying that "cow" is a euphanism for ****. Then Holy cow is really code for holy ****! I know it.</font>
  • What are the dimensions for this water treatment plant? It looked originally like a 5X7 diploma/certificate. But if the outside pipes are 2" then it must be ~18X22?</font>

Holy **** would actually be Swiss ****....

I think the diploma paper size is 7x9. The "inside the frame" (wood liner) I think was 19x20..... maybe only 18 high 20 wide....

went back and looked at the bill for the copper. It's only 2-1/4". I think the 2-1/2" was about $200 more, and I didn't really need the depth...

Guy was in today, wants to know what I would do with a degree in Air Quality Engineering... "Air Head". Is this country great or what.
Holy ****, I had no idea that pipe was that pricey.

Okay, you accounted for the price of materials, but what took you 57 hours Baer? Just putitng together the pieces of the puzzle.......
Some days Kathy, the time just sneaks away from ya. Kinda like the month I spent in Memphis one afternoon...

maybe these will make sense....






Thanks for elaborating Baer. I don't think your original posting did it justice, I knew it was waterworks but didn't get the fine detail, that is simply amazing, you even have the water rings on the glass...............
Nice job Baer.
Now for the important stuff. How many new tools did you get to buy?
Wally, The Body Grinder. $10 at Harbor Freight. I burned up the first one..... and the second was starting to smell.... :D
I am impressed!!
I took note of the UW logo on the certificate
maybe your in my neck of the woods?

Happy framing
Originally posted by Mitch:

You be careful with that chisel. Keep your finger behind that sharp edge!

...and DON'T run with those scissors!
Are you using my GOOD scissors to cut that cardboard?!?!?
And DON'T drink and DRIVE, faster than 85 or 90!

Sorry, couldn't resist. Great work Baer, but we've come to expect no less! Keep headin' East!
Incredible! What are the water ripples made from?
Less, it's a glue like substance that is called, I kid you not "Water". They sell it at the modeling stores along with the rest of the "HO" guage stuff I used.