Cool Tool


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 12, 2000
Mansfield, Ohio
We use a Senco air stapler to secure the framing package in the frame. When I take out staples, I use a wire cutter to grab them and kinda twist them out. Well, that was until we discovered this neato tool by FrameTek called Unfit. I love this tool! I just want to take pictures apart now. I don't think this tool is related to Unseal.
Jana I don't use my senco to fit anymore( Fletcher point guns,both type) but I do have and use an Unfit. However I do have some difficulty when removeing staples from hardwoods. It some times leaves one leg partially in the wood ,necessitateing useing some type of pliers or similar device to finish off the job. But for the most part they work great for a very simple inexpensive tool.Besides I alays have the pliers handy anyway to remove the points.LOL ( although Fletcher does make a couple of similar tools ,one to remove spings from metal frames and another to remove Framers points)