

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2001
Mansfield, Ohio
I am a rather new computer owner and I just installed Cookie Jar to control cookies. Today, I had to sign into the Grumble. What cookies do I need in my "good" cookie jar? Is Cookie Jar good?
Sorry, Purple Person, but I've never heard of cookie jar. But if you're using Internet Explorer 6.0, here is a description of how to set your cookie options:

Quick and easy instructions to switch IE6 into a mode that allows cookies while still protecting yourself from those that would do mean things.

1) Open an IE window
2) Click the Tools menu, select Internet Options
3) Select the Privacy tab
4) Select the Advanced button
5) Check "Override automatic cookie handling"
6) Select "Accept" under "First-party cookies"
7) Select "Block" under "Third-party cookies"
8) Select "Always allow session cookies"
9) Hit OK
10) Hit OK

If you had to log on to The Grumble just once yeasterday or today, it's probably because the transfer to the new server has been completed and the cookies have been reset. You may also have to update your bookmark to The Grumble if you use one.
Thank you. I am deleting Cookie Jar for now until I figure this out and also why my Scan disc won't scan because it says something running is interferring.
Now Cookie Jar refuses to uninstall. The uninstall says it can't uninstall because it is in use.

The site,

says I don't exist. The only internet address I use is

I looked up Cookie Jar on my toolbar under the "magnifying glass icon" and it surely shows Cookie Jar there in several different ways. It refuses to delete there too.
I did get Cookie Jar deleted. I found a folder on it which said I hadn't yet agreed to their terms and I check "disagree" Then I went to the programming I already discribed to you and Cookie Jar deleted. Next I will try controlling cookies from Internet Exploror, If you can do that while you have AOL.

By the way. Am I all alone here, today? :(
PS I did the IE6 cookie thing. It seems to be on my computer. Thank you.

Should I delete all of my cookies and start new or will it mess up my forums everywhere? :(
PP, You could delete all your cookies and start fresh. If you do that, you'll have to re-enter your log-in name and password for any sites that require it (like this one - to post.) Also your lightbulbs will be out-of-wack the first time-or-two that you log on to The Grumble, but after that, everything should be wonderful.

If you decide to delete your cookies, you can do that from the IE 6.0 menus: Tools > Internet Options > General Tab > Temporary Files > Delete Cookies.

Sorry to leave you all alone here yesterday. I had a fun-filled day resealing a leaky toilet and unclogging a shower drain. Oh, and washing the dog following an "adventure." If you've never washed a large, powerful dog that doesn't want to be washed, try washing your car sometime with the engine running and the transmission in gear.
It does sound like you had a fun filled day.

I used to wash our rottweiler. Does that count as experience? I took him in the shower with me. Putting him in the car was like putting in an arm load of 2x4's

Thank you for your computer expertise.
Problems such as running scandisk may occur from time to time for a wide range of reasons (many unknown to me), anyhow running your PC in "SAFE" mode will most likely allow you to run the scandisk or remove programmes that may normally be operating during normal use of Windows. (hint: always run defrag in safe mode).
To enter safe mode you need to bypass your startup files whilst "booting up" (starting) this is done by pressing the F5 key during the initial boot. Windows will look all funny but it is simply running without all the software that makes it look pretty, it will work fine for doing system maintenance.

I quite like this new "Kit" icon!
Sorry... didn't intend to warp such a serious forum.

In order to run scandisk or deframent your hard drive, you must exit all your "resident" programs, ie., all those programs that automatically load and run when you turn on your computer. You may have a firewall program, or a weather checker, or maybe MSN IM is running on your computer.

Move your mouse to the very bottom of your screen (like you do to go to the "Start" button) and to the right of the word "Desktop >>" you may see a series of little icons. These are your "resident" or start up programs. Right click on each one of them and either "exit" or "shutdown" or whatever operative word stops the program before running any cleanup or defrag program.

Defrag particularly tries to line up all the information for each program on your hard drive in the same area. When some of these little programs are running they are constantly generating information that goes onto the hard drive. When your Defrag program sees this, it thinks that something has been changed and it goes back to the beginning and starts all over again. This becomes a neverending loop as one of the start up routines does another check or runs its routine and Defrag sees it. OOPS, back to the beginning and start over.

Aside to Ron: Try my dog shower method sometime, I call it the "4 stick" shampoo. You take DZ to the nearest lake, throw a stick into the lake, DZ retrieves stick and brings it back and drops it at your feet and sits in anticipation of the next toss, lather dog from head to tail, and depending on the thickness of his coat, follow up with 3 or 4 more sticks and retrieves. I carry an old beach towel for my dog as it takes him 5 hours to dry off and he can't stay out of the water THAT long.

BTW, if Dogzilla doesn't retrieve, please disregard the above instructions and take him to a dog groomer. Let them wrestle with him. ;)

The only lakes near Ron that he could take DZ to for cleaning would result in the dog coming out dirtier and smellier than he went in! (The lovely fragrance of Lake Winnebago in the summer!) Plus he'd probably get a fine from the DNR for polluting the already polluted water! Sorry, couldn't resist the warped comment!

That is a truly sad commentary on what the locals must be pumping into Lake Winnebago!

Being a water person, I would be offended if some factory or corporation mucked up "my" lake. Lakes should be used for sensible things like skiing and washing dogs, not pumping sewage into.

I have found that, in order to run my defrag program, I shut down all the resident programs in the system tray - as Framerguy advises - and then use ctrl-alt-delete to close all the other resident programs, one-at-a-time, that don't show up in the system tray. You have to close all of them EXCEPT two. I think the two are Explorer and Systray, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.

I've tried rrunning my Norton defrag utility in 'safe' mode and I believe I got a message that it was NOT designed in safe mode. I'll try it again later and edit this if needed.

And Anne's right. Most often the reason Dogzilla needes a bath is because he's been swimming. I have no problem with wet dog smell, but add a little fish to the smell and it's pretty bad. And I've been told by DNR officials while camping that we were not allowed to wash ourselves in the lake, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be happy about washing my dog.

(As tech Frankenthreads go, this one almost makes sense.)
Lake Winnebago didn't start out as a lake. It was swampland which the Fox River ran through. By dredging and damming it has become a lake. The Fox River valley is one of the fastest growing urban and industrial areas of Wisconsin. With all the paper mills on it, it's no wonder it has an aroma. We have alot of clean lakes and streams in other parts of the state, though.
Lake Winnebago is also the largest inland freshwater lake in the country. And people do fish, sail, water ski and even swim in it - at least until the usual August algae-bloom.

Most often we take Dogzilla to Lake Michigan - an hour away - to swim and body surf. (I'm not making that up.) My parents live near there, so it's a common family thing to do on Sundays.

Oh, and then on Sunday evenings I defrag my hard drive. :D
No fair hiding your "dog stories" in this serious forum! Sometimes I search the Warped list just for the dog stories. Who would have expected to find them here, too? :rolleyes:

As for the cookies in the cookie jar, aren't you supposed to eat them, not delete them?

Translation: Oops! Caught again with my paw in the cookie jar!


Robbie, fearless guard dog for Framerguy.

(Where's that little brown guy that my master told me was a dog?? Woof.)
Thank you all for the computer advice, which I am copying and pasting into one neat pile, and for the wonderful dog tales I love, which I will read to my two furry girls before bed tonight.