Convex Glass


Apr 28, 2005
Jenkintown, PA
I've been trying to find a glass co. to make me a custom piece of convex glass for an old octagon frame and having a **** of a time doing so. Anyone know of any place that does that? I've found plenty of places online that have stock sizes available. I did just email a few places whos web sites seem to indicate they do custom sizes but we'll see. It is an antique frame that we had to cut down to reasemble so it is no longer the origional size - so none of the stock size victorian replacements will work. Oh, and the frame has sharp corners, not the rounded.
Have you tried Presto Frame & Mldg?
Seems like I remember that they custom-make convex glass too.

And don't we have a Grumbler Down-Under that does that too?
In line Ovals does custom convex glass bending. Great people, fast service, and always a profitable company to work with.
Had a special size convex piece done by Inline Ovals recently ... product was good, but it took a looooooooong time to get it to me (several weeks).

If no one can help you in the US, drop me an e-mail from my profile.

I'm a little disappointed more here on the G don't recognises yet what we do, possibly the most flexible custom glass makers around in the world today.

We do lots of these sort of projects for US clients, sadly just a couple of Grumblers so far, mostly those that find us online after all alternative options have been tried.

Ah well . . . suppose I never seem to be too quiet anyway.
Les, maybe it's because a lot of people think that shipping glass half-way around the world is impractical. (Really, it's probably not much harder than shipping it seven miles.)

Or maybe they're concerned about the language barrier.

And don't we have a Grumbler Down-Under that does that too?
Val almost remembered you.
I did! And I remembered it was realhotglass too, but not 100% sure (Only 99.9%!), that's why I didn't say your name. I figured you'd pipe up yourself, and if you didn't, then I'd take a stab at it.
You're right Ron,
It is fairly easy and practical to ship.

Because of the shape, it is very strong, plus we make it in 3mm (1/8") thickness usually.

Oh, the language barrier isn't too bad, we get enough US TV shows to muddle through that . . . suppose most of you have seen Skippy, Neighbours, mmmm is that all you folks might get over there ?

Val, thanks for nearly remembering us, I just read Pesto, and went on down the thread.
Do Pesto make their own convex glass ?
Perhaps . . . I just had feeling that they just bought it in from somewhere.