Converting files from…..

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
I have a database question. I can convert files from database to a .txt file that my POS software uses. However I want to turn a .txt file into a file that a spreadsheet can use. I can’t seem to import it and when I try to open the .txt file it opens a word processor instead of a spreadsheet.


I am not totally sure this will help you.. but I exported some data from my POS to a spreadsheet the other day. And the first attempt I did it one of the two ways offered: comma's or tabbed. The latter worked when I pasted it into the spread sheet so that I could sort and play to my heart's content!! I had first exported it as a txt file. Then copied and pasted into an open blank spreadsheet file.

Hope that helps.

You need to first open a database or spreadsheet program that can import and parse a text file, then export to a format that your POS can read. (If you first double-click the text file, windows opens your default text program.)

It should be possible from within the spreadsheet, as Pat said, providing the fields are defined in some pattern. (commas between fields, tabs between fields, or spaced out the same in columns)

THe pos uses .txt files and tabs to break lines and only spaces to seperate fields.

I'll keep working on it.

Ron, I would recomend just using cd in the cd player. Today I had one friend bring in a Estaban cd and another bring in the new Strans Syberian Orchestra cd. I have plenty of new tunes today.
Maybe I could just send it to mike and let him do it.
Go for it if you want. Will hopefully get it back to you in a few mins.

If you use the Data Import command it should be far easier to define what the exact format is in relation to the SS you are using.
Almost all .dbf files that I have seen are tab delimited with carriage returns to delimit the fields.

If it is saved as a .txt file, it should open directly into a spreadsheet (at least Excel and/or AppleWorks).

If you have a relatively new version of Excel, the “Wizard” should be able to step you through if the original database used something else like commas or “pipes”.

If, (shutter), the .txt file left you with a space delimited document, try running it through a word processor. Substitute (in the Find/Replace window) one space for each double space. Do it over and over until it tells you it cannot find any more. Then substitute a “tab” character (^t or \t) for each remaining single space character.

when I try to open the .txt file it opens a word processor instead of a spreadsheet.
I just reread your original post. If you launch the spreadsheet first, then use your menu to OPEN instead of double clicking the .txt file, that ought to do it.

Excel will open .dbf files directly - no need to go through .txt format. Once opened, save as worksheet to use in a spreadsheet.

Your answer to the original question is correct.

Pat :D
I use Open Office.

I just cut and pasted mat lists from the companies website but I'm thinking this is more a temporary fix than a long term one. I will try this again soon.


Carry on.