Conservation mount needed


Grumbler in Training
Nov 16, 2004
Wichita. KS
I just got a piece returned that was framed quite awhyle ago. They are realy old documents, hand written on what I believe to be animal skin parchment. They were attached with parts of photo corners trimmed to fit specific areas. The tops of both documents are cut in a scalloped pattern making it hard to mount. Thay were at one time folded and were framed with spacers, which would be great but the weight of the paper(?) is pulling it down so at the creases they are saging. If I try to mount them as they were before they will just sag more over time and fall out of the mounts. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss on this one.
Probably micro or macro dot butterfly hinges with the bodies being pulled throgh slits in the backer would work.

I people could access the photo, we might be of better help.
Hinging could give the documents better support,
but please remember that items that old should not
be exposed to light, permanently. It is safest to
make good copies of them for framing and to store
the originals in a good quality book or in mats
in a box. If they are on animal hide, having them
in a frame with their edges exposed will cause them to change shape.

Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Probably micro or macro dot butterfly hinges with the bodies being pulled throgh slits in the backer would work.

I've never heard em called "butterfly hinges" before. I like it.
I know what you're talking about(I think) just because the name fits.