Computer Cutters


Jul 7, 2004
Greetings All,

I just got 500 mat's cut by a local framing shop that has a computer mat cutter as I couldnt afford the down time it took cutting all my small mats. In the end it cost me an extra $1.60 Aust per mat for the convienance.

The final result is fantastic, clean/neat. I am interested in your throughts and dealings with your own computer cutters and if you have found having one a worth while investment as here in Australia a basic one will set you back $24,000 (Aust). The main brand I have seen available over here is the Valiani.

Here's a question for you. How much did having 500 mats cut cost you? And couldn't that money have gone towards your new computerized cutter?

I have an employee in my shop that was hired with NO experience at all in the industry. In 2 months she was cutting better mats than me with no mistakes than I can after cutting mats by hand with 16 years experience. This means that if you have more than a couple employees you can lower your payroll costs to compensate for your increased machine costs. Not to mention the time you save yourself on multiple openings, multiple mats, ovals and odd shape cuts. I would say that you do need to be doing a certain volume to make it worth while but if you do have the volume how can you afford not to have one?
Valiani are sold here in Australia by Antons. Most of the other suppliers also have their equivilent brand. I would in no means say that Valiani is the main brand nor is it the most popular. I would say thier most basic model which they have been promoting in Australia is amoungst the cheapest.
You can also get
Gunnar through Hughes
Eclipse through Megawood
Wizard through I am not sure

I would suggest you check out the others as well.
Hi Brian, unfortunately I dont have any other employee's and my photography is a second business that I run by myself, but it is on the brink of full time.

With my full time work and having weekend markets selling my photography cutting mats for my small photo's was getting to become a burden and costing me money as I couldnt keep up.

My mat cutting is fine, but the computer results are of course cleaner.

Thanks for the links dave, I will contact Megawood and get some prices.


Im just after advice on people experience with computer cutters and I though it would be alot more extensive on this fourm than the Australian one.
FYI, Wizard is distributed by Larson-Juhl in Australia...
Being on the verge of full-time, you are an ideal candidate for a CMC. When you can cut a week's worht of mats in a morning, you ask yourself, "Why did I wait so long?"
Hi Matt,

When searching for our own, I compiled a comparison list of the various models. Although the prices reflect the US market prices, comparing the specs may be useful.

The new Fletcher/Valiani models are incomplete but theyre working on it and will be getting back to me within a week. Eclipse and Wizard were changed to reflect their new product and rental programs.

The info lives HERE

You can't go wrong with a CMC. You'll be cutting perfect mats in no time, and it can be a real time saver for multi opening and mass quantity pieces. Most come with very powerful design software that allows greater creativity and an opportunity to upsell special designs.

Most companies will send you a demo of their software at no charge, if you ask. I suggest checking them out by requesting a copy, or by trying the machines at a trade show. It's a big investment, but a worthy one.

We'll never go back to cutting them manually.

Best regards,
Thanks Mike for the info very helpful... which CMC did you go for.

Hi Matt

In our case, we purchased the Wizard 8000. It was a close race between the Wizard and the Eclipse models. Both companies make excellent products, and it wasn't an easy decision.

Our decision was made after looking at things such as parts availability, etc, which apply to the USA market. Does the supplier/vendor stock parts and how long will it take to receive them if the unit breaks? Do they have to come from another country?

The Valiani units have recently been introduced to our market, re-distributed by Fletcher, and seem to be very well built.

I'm not sure who the major players are in Australia, but this be an excellent thread to start on the Australian Grumble forum.

Happy hunting!