Hi Doug,Don't know if my problem falls under Techie Stuff but didn't know where else to put it.
My compressor blew up the other day so I bought a new one at Sears and can't get it to run long enough build up any pressure. I plug it into a power strip and it kicks the reset button out on the strip. Plug it directly into the outlet and it knocks out the circuit breaker. Yesterday it was much better....ran fine most of the day.
2 hp
15 amps
26 gal tank
Never had this problem with the old one (3.5hp).
Is it a bad motor, inadequate wiring???
Any ideas?
Doug Gemmell
I would suspect a problem with the motor on the new compressor. That smaller motor shouldn't be drawing enough to throw the circuit breaker.
You may want to try a different power strip first, just in case.