Does anyone out there pay there designers by commission? If so what % ?
I am working on a biz plan for an expansion idea and am considering this option.
My thought is to use 20% straight commission at design only locations with the framing being done at my distribution center.
The 20% number is what I'm currently spending on hourly and salaried payroll.
To my way of thinking this incentive would encourage more complex designs whit higher tickets. It would also make working on Saturdays a bigger incentive, and give the staff a reason to go beat the bushes for work.
Any thoughts or feedback is greatly appreciated.
Diver Dave
I am working on a biz plan for an expansion idea and am considering this option.
My thought is to use 20% straight commission at design only locations with the framing being done at my distribution center.
The 20% number is what I'm currently spending on hourly and salaried payroll.
To my way of thinking this incentive would encourage more complex designs whit higher tickets. It would also make working on Saturdays a bigger incentive, and give the staff a reason to go beat the bushes for work.
Any thoughts or feedback is greatly appreciated.
Diver Dave