Commercial Marketing


Grumbler in Training
Mar 26, 2004
This site was mentioned to me as I have recently been named Director of Partner Relations at an on-line art community called

What we do at WetCanvas is talk about our art, marketing, learning, and support....actually anything you would do in a real art community environment to help us all be better artists and sell our work.

We, as artists, have a real need to find or make quality frames. Just wondering if any framing company here would be interested in a partner relationship with wetcanvas either to supply framing tools, or supply frames.

WetCanvas does have a anti-solicitation policy, but by becoming an Industry Partner, you can use unique marketing tools developed by the WetCanvas staff and get the word out about your frames to all our membership.

If any of this interests you, get in touch with me or for more information, download the media kit at We can help grow your business while helping our artists find and purchase quality frames or start their own framing business.

Welcome to the Grumble!!

My company has no anti-solicitation policy so consider this an open solicitation for your framing business! I am located in Fort Walton Beach, FL and would be happy to supply you and your group of artists with quality frames and any other sized materials you may require. Glass, plexi, matboards, and backing boards are all available from S.T.B. Custom Framing & Gifts.

As long as your concept of quality is on a similar level, ie., we don't even have paper mat samples to show and use strictly rag or purified alpha cellulose mats, we use archival backing and conservation clear glass when needed, and we don't cut corners to save a buck here or there when it compromises the integrity of the artwork, I would be happy to talk to you.


P.S. If you consider that artists are the knowledgeable individuals in their field, then it follows that professional framers would be the knowledgeable individuals in THEIR field. I don't know of any artist who would take on the daunting task of learning to do custom picture framing. The time, investment in specialized equipment, and constant updating of their knowledge base would cut seriously into their creative time as artists.

Traditionally, artists spend alot of time to create their work and then many of them look for the very cheapest poorest quality framing materials to house these beautiful works of art. I am excited to hear that this trend may be changing for the better. Good luck in your endeavors to share and educate your pool of artists to think quality for quality work.