Comments about the new Grumble

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
I'd like to propose that questions or comments about the inner workings and features of the "new" Grumble be posted to this tech forum. This forum could use the traffic and that would free up the main Grumble forum for matters of framing. Make sense?
Being a moderator DOES carry a sense of power with it, doesn't it???

Just kidding, Ron.
Originally posted by AnneL:
MODERATOR! When did Ron become a moderator!? And of which forum(s)? I guess we'll all have to behave now or risk getting made to sit in the corner.
Ah, he's a sneaky little puppy! He slipped right in there with little or no fanfare (other than the 3 page e-mail he sent to me with sound, live camera clip, and much HTML emphasizers.)

I still say that he is an asset to the "Techie" forum and will do whatever necessary to bring more cyber-traffic to this underused forum. (And if he doesn't, well, it's a good place <s>to hide him</s> for him to hide. ;)

Congratulations Ron I think this forum is way underused, it needs someone to prompt us with topics to get it used more, I’m not of the original thinking type but when I’m prompted I do feel that sometimes I can contribute.

Good luck and way-to-go

I tried to get framer to change it from "moderator" to "terminator" but he seemed to think there could be trouble with Arnold. Nobody wants trouble with Arnold!

So I'm thinking about changing my screen name to "Xena, Warrior Princess" instead.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
I tried to get framer to change it from "moderator" to "terminator" but he seemed to think there could be trouble with Arnold. Nobody wants trouble with Arnold!

So I'm thinking about changing my screen name to "Xena, Warrior Princess" instead.
How about "Zippy the Instigator"?
And this is the tech stuff! May be a good idea but somehow when people need help you give it to them no matter the forum and once in awhile we all need a side track. To be PC, too many Aministrators and not enough ......just kidding.
DQ #49: why does this forum have its own decor, quite unlike the others?

There is a whole list of reasons published about why golf is better than sex. If you have golfnuts friends, you've probably read it.

(Comment in reply to the above tagline at the end of the above post.)
Curly's, that is. Although perhaps Jeannette's could apply as well.
Originally posted by JPete:
somehow when people need help you give it to them no matter the forum

It sounds like you might feel that there are too many forums, which might certainly be true.

Of course people should receive help wherever and whenever they need it. But this forum is a great place for detailed discussions about HTML codes, special features of the "new" Grumble, sources for service and parts for Mat Maestros, POS software - stuff like that.

Just think of me as the annoying and single-minded border collie trying to drive the Grumble sheep into the techi corral. Well, okay, maybe that's not the best or most flattering analogy.

MM, I asked the same thing about the look of this forum (though not so eloquently.) I don't know the answer. It's just special, I guess.
Originally posted by XLNT:
I really like the new grumble.


I have to say that I have read all of your posts including the ones on the "member number" post and they all appear to be equally insightful and eloquent.

Keep up the good work and post often. I really enjoy reading some of the "higher level" posts on the Grumble.

Look close at the graphic on top of this page. It was changed also.

Are they going to bring Spell checker back?
