Colorado Chapter PPFA Event in Northern Colorado....Be There!


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
The Mountains and Plains Chapter will have our next event at Fine Print Imaging in Fort Collins, CO on May 15. After registration and a general lunch meeting, we will take a tour of the facility. Technicians will demonstrate digital art copy, color work for giclee printing, and the Epson and Roland printers which Fine Print Imaging uses to print on watercolor paper and canvas. Fine Print will provide each atendee with a how-to booklet to assist framers in explaining the giclee process to customers, and to describe the difference between giclee, offset lithography and other printing methods.

Now's the time to ask those questions, and to network with fellow framers!!!!

WHEN: Sunday, May 15 Registration at 11:00 am
Lunch at 11:45 am
Tour starts at 1:00 pm
WHERE: Fine Print Imaging
1306 Blue Spruce
Fort Collins, CO

COST: $25.00 PPFA Members, $35.00 non-members

For more information, contact Kathy Wymore at 303-690-6774 or e-mail