Color Study


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 8, 2003
Lubbock, Texas
So a customer comes in with a couple of watercolors she wants framed to give as gifts. She tells me the story that she was given this “big satchel full” of watercolors painted by such and such artist. Ok so far. I don’t recognize his name so I Google his name while she talks to me about them and discover the artist is somewhat well known and has been dead for 90 years. He is not a famous painter but is known for his Americana art.

I then realize she has this artists color studies. A LOT of them… maybe all of them. She had no idea what they were, just that they are old and pretty. I casually mention that these should be kept together and the museum that has most of his oil paintings might be very interested in them. She didn’t care for the idea so I didn’t say anything more to her.

The collection will slowly be framed one or two at a time and scattered around the country to her friends and relatives.

I’m not happy about doing this but know if any other framer in town gets hold of them the pieces will not be treated well, IE dry mounted, regular glass, cardboard backing etc. I know my competition.
I also know it’s not my place to say or do anything, I’m just a humble framer trying to carve out a living for myself and needed to get it off my chest.
Ah, conscience - a powerful thing, David. Only problem is (and sometimes thank goodness) we can't answer for anyone else but ourselves...

You just gotta do what YOU know is the right thing to do - and then let it go.
I would make one more attempt to explain the importance in keeping records of where these pieces go. Even if they can't be kept together, they can be photographed, descriptions done, and recipients identified. That information could then be given to the museum or curator of the collection for their records.
Also, included with the framing a letter of the provenance of the piece would be very helpful in assuring that the identity of the work is maintained through the various estates that they will travel. This part can be done surreptitiously and included on the back of the mount under the dust cover.
David, where is the museum that has most of his oils? Local? The documentation Wally mentioned sounds like a good project for an intern.

Betty, your right.

Wally, great idea, I will talk to her about it next week.

Kit, the paintings seem to be in two museums, one in California and the other in Germany. The intern idea is a good one, if she agrees I will contact the local School of Museum Science.