Coal Mine Images


Nov 17, 2004
Richmond, VA
We have a project we are working on and we need images of coal mines. Old photos would be ideal but we haven't found much of anything from the usual sources. If anybody has a ny clue where nice coal mine images can be found please share! Doesn't matter if they are O/E or L/E.

Type in "coal mine images" into Google. It comes up with more than a few hits.
Originally posted by OwieO:
nice coal mine images
Not sure that exsists. "Nice" and "Coal mine" is an oxymoron. :D

Oops, or would that be a "Carbon" moron?
Come on you guys! This is a serious question from a fellow grumbler!

I do remember seeing a very poiniant photo of a coal miner's profile, looking downward. Great photo, black and white (of course). I'm sure there are others. I want to say it was in the same book as the ever popular photo of the men sitting for lunch on the steel girder. Probably same era photo. I want to say Image Conscious, but from one of the books I got through Liebermans.

Search Liebermans website something may "pop up". If not contact Bruce Lieberman, he's on the Grumble!
I have hundreds. Mostly W.Va. Is there anything in perticular your looking for let me know. I called your shop & left my phone number.

There are images in the Library of Congress Search first for HABS this is the Historic American Building Survey. Then search for Kaymoor. There you will find scale drawings and over 70 photos. (Sorry it would not let me link direct)

You can alco contact the Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Society in Clifton Forge.
Also the Public library in Bluefield W.Va has a large collection of mines on the Norfolk & Western Railway.
I would consider contacting the University of Kentucky Library Special Collections. I think that they might have a few. Also the History Museum in Frankfort Kentucky and the universities in West Virginia. If they don't have what you need, let me know. Also one more thought, there is a National Federation of Coal Producers in Washington, DC.
Also contact in Whitesburg KY.
Small place that is nationally renown that does a lot of historical preservation things.

Great organization. Offer a small donation and you will get anything you want

You cant get too much more coal country than Whitesburg