"I have called and emailed my reps over the past couple of weeks, but they must be on vacation"
see the thread about AMPF...suppose this is a conspiricy amoungst reps to go onan extanded vacation, just to PO the industry????? I smell colusion!!!!!!!
anyway, if youv about talked yourself into this, get it, & figure out how you could setup a small facility(say @ the size of a 1 car garage), plan the layout to contain whole & cut mats-seperated by owner, go back to all those small shops that cant/wont get one & show them the benefits of paying you to cut their mats(for a small/modest fee--what's it worth to cut 4-8 holes of various size/position, etc & put one of the double v-grooves with the cutesy corners???????).....as in fax it in before 4pm, pick it up tomorrow morning....those without would all love to have access to one...here is a ready made source of income(lots of good karma???) & a practical use for the machine that would otherwise just be sitting idle for 15-16 hrs each day..........simple??? I think so. easy?? probably not....meticulous record keeping(hence the fax it in part---no mistake if it was submitted wrong & cut to spec!!!!!),meticulous 'by owner' inventories with frequent update(as in xcells of date of oredr, mat used, date delivered, etc.)
I really think that with enough small shops in your vacinity, this could work(course I was wrong about 75 cent gas being here forever also!)