cmc's in maine


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 24, 2004
Round Pond, ME
I'm researching....... wondering how many cmc's are in operation in Maine. I've called the frameshops in Bath to Rockland. The only one I know of is in Millinocket. Input please!
I have called and emailed my reps over the past couple of weeks, but they must be on vacation.
Thanks for any input.
I have an Eclipse Pro up here in Ellsworth. do you need something cut?
I'm sure there are hundreds of shops in Maine with CMCs.

It wouldnt surprise me if there were about 8000 CMCs in the USA.

If your purpose is to have mats cut and you have an account with Don Mar, their division, Sara Graphics, has a CMC and will do it for you - free delivery on the weekly Don Mar truck.
Gina.......don't worry what other framers have or do not have. 90% of what you will be doing with it is basic rectangle openings..........

Think of it as a second employee who does not come in late and or take long coffee breaks.
I agree with JFeig, get it because it will help you to work better with fewer employees. If you find out that no one in your area has one, then you can use that to your advantage in advertizing.

But, go ahead and get one. The Eclipse is a really nice machine. I lucked out in that I got mine used for half the new price and then had the guy who designed it help me set it up and clean and recalibrate it.

They are about to release the updated OS for it so call them to find out if a new one will come with the new update.
Gina, I'm sure there are many cmcs in Maine. I know of several shops in Portland, more in South Portland, I have one in Windham, the folks in Norway Maine, that is) have one.

Jerry is doesnt matter what your competition has as you will mostly use it for cutting rectangles. I use the multiple feature quite a bit also, but only rarely use the fancy stuff. That is not because I dont show samples of fancy stuff on my wall done with the cmc, because I do. Its just that most folks in Maine are fairly traditional and arent looking for "anything fancy".

You dont say why you want the cmc, but if you think it is to have an edge up by offering fancy mats, I think they will be a hard sell here.

And if you want to find the one nearest to you, just ask your Don-Mar driver. He will knaw what everyone has.

Sandie Mizerak CPF
Windham, ME
Actually, you could probably call Wizard and Eclipse and Fletcher and I'm sure they would have a list of people who have their machines.
Sandie is right. Up here fancy isn't the big thing. Clean and simple does it in Maine. The fanciest piece I cut on my CMC was a group of 58 openings and the letters EHS 1954 in a single mat for a graduating class from Ellsworth High School. I did do a fancy cut western theme for someone long before I had a CMC but he was from the south west and I guess he was homesick.
Thanks all for the input. I'd like to get a cmc because:
I've had a part time employee, mostly cutting mats and fitting, but she makes mistakes (as humans do, I make mistakes....) and I like all the fancy things you can do. I use to be a wedding coordinator for a resort here, and know a lot of people in that field. I think I could create some really cute mats for that market.
I've already done the math on how much it would save me in wages.
Here's a comparison list of known CMC products, to help in your search: (item 2)

There are a variety of ways to do this. Buy, lease, rent, etc. Some brands are popular in Europe while others are in USA. In the USA market, the big players are Eclipse and Wizard. Wizard likely has 80% of the market.

We love our cmc!

Best regards
I think there's one in Saco... I think.

Sandie and Framah are right... clean and simple is the way in Maine. My need for a CMC for facy stuff is so limited that I can just farm out that kind of work. Armel is doing that sort of thing but I think the software they use might be limited creatively. For example, they offer only one font for lettering.
I am the one who cut some mats for you. I used to invite framers to my shop to see my CMC and show them how it works but Fletcher-Terry stopped making mine so I don't invite anyone anymore. If you want to see how they work in general and the benefits of owning one, drive up.

Jean in Millinocket, ME - Fletcher-Terry CMC owner
"I have called and emailed my reps over the past couple of weeks, but they must be on vacation"

see the thread about AMPF...suppose this is a conspiricy amoungst reps to go onan extanded vacation, just to PO the industry????? I smell colusion!!!!!!!

anyway, if youv about talked yourself into this, get it, & figure out how you could setup a small facility(say @ the size of a 1 car garage), plan the layout to contain whole & cut mats-seperated by owner, go back to all those small shops that cant/wont get one & show them the benefits of paying you to cut their mats(for a small/modest fee--what's it worth to cut 4-8 holes of various size/position, etc & put one of the double v-grooves with the cutesy corners???????) in fax it in before 4pm, pick it up tomorrow morning....those without would all love to have access to is a ready made source of income(lots of good karma???) & a practical use for the machine that would otherwise just be sitting idle for 15-16 hrs each day..........simple??? I think so. easy?? probably not....meticulous record keeping(hence the fax it in part---no mistake if it was submitted wrong & cut to spec!!!!!),meticulous 'by owner' inventories with frequent update(as in xcells of date of oredr, mat used, date delivered, etc.)

I really think that with enough small shops in your vacinity, this could work(course I was wrong about 75 cent gas being here forever also!)