Ian Goodman

Jun 25, 2005
Ashtonfield NSW Australia
I have a Gunnar #601 CMC which one the whole is very good.
One very niigling pint is that when cutting double matts Cut the first then atg tape the top matt to the base matt and then cut that one.
the problem is that the bottom matt is moving and so the two matts do not align properly.
Has anyone else experienced this phenomemum and if so how did you fix this?

Is the type of atg tape you use?

Or what is the cause?

I look forward to any help with this.
Hi Ian, welcome to the Grumble!

I have a Wizard and I cut each layer separately, then tape them together.

If I let it cut the outside, they're perfect. If I pre-size the mats, then I can line the openings up and not worry too much about how exact the edges are (moulding lip covers it nicely).

Most ATG tape should be strong enough to hold........... if the 2 layers are pressed together firmly enough.......and if you are using enough ATG, a complete circling of the opening.
On my Eclipse, the top mat is still clamped down so it doesn't move. The bottom mat is cut 1/2" smaller than the top mat so it will clear the clamps. I just ATG onto the back of the top mat and stick the bottom mat in to place and cut.

Cliff, the whole purpose of having a CMC is not having to do extra work to get multiple mats. Trying to line the mats up after cutting is a waste of time and time is money. Cutting the bottom mat smaller than the top mat size allows you to do it all on the machine.

Does the Gunnar have clamps or is that the one that has a vacuum table?
Hmmm . . .

I cut both blanks the same size. Cut them separately on the CMC. Align the lower left corners (from the backs.) Tack together. The entire process is the least of my mat-cutting problems.

Oh, wait. I have a Mat Maestro.

Never mind.
On my Eclipse, I do exactly as framah does, except the bottom mat is not cut 1/2" smaller. I cut it 1/8" smaller and atg to the top mat. Bottom mat overlaps the clamps. Never had a problem.

Are you trying to clamp both mats? This may cause movement.
We cut the block size on both on the Eclipse and they line up perfect every time with no fuss. A lot of times we are using a spacer between the mats which prevents you from taping them together first.
We seem to be calling the mats different names. The top mat is the mat you see on the top of the pile when it is on the art. The bottom mat is the one behind the top one. You are calling them the opposite as you are looking at them on the cutter. Think of it the other way around and the 1/2" smaller size works. The top mat (the one seen first on the art) is the full size. The bottom mat ( the one underneath the top mat when it is on the art) is 1/2" smaller and when cut this size, will clear the clamps so the top mat is still held in place.
This method is the same you would use if you were cutting double mats on a manual, cutter. (Remember them??) The second mat is always cut smaller than the top mat as you use the top mat as the guide for measuring the opening in the mat.
I have a Rapido and had the same problem when I first got it four years ago.
The problem was ME! When I was placing the second mat down on the ATG taped first mat, I was moving the first mat slightly away from its home position.
I leave the first mat in place after cutting, then apply ATG tape to it, then check that it is "home", then carefully position the second mat and press it home, press the first mat "home" again and then press down on the second mat to adhere the ATG. The larger the mat, the more likely it is to slightly move the bottom mat away from its home position, resulting in the problem you are getting

When placing the mats in the home position I always press the long side home first, hold it there while sliding the mat to home on the short side. This eliminates any "wobble" due to the mat not being perfectly square!

This sounds more complex than it is and when it becomes habitual, you will eliminate the problem!
There are several methods I use on the 601.

Cut two seperate boards and then align them afterwards as the dimensions are exact.

Cut top board including OC, then ATG, glue etc back of the board and place the bottom mat on and up against the clamps, a wee "whack" holds them sufficiently together until cut (including OC as board is usally larger than top mat) and then throw them into the press to join properly.

If there are problems with things moving at this point then I would suggest you check both the clamp pressure and the cut head pressure to make sure they are not too low or high.
I'm looking at purchasing a CMC in particular a Wizard. Would like to hear of any "fors or against" this particular make, or any others come to that.

Do any of you regret buying a CMC.
Do you cut all your mats on the CMC.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Would you like me to send you a free "demo" copy of our software? Its fully operational but the saved files can't be cut.

If so, just let me know where to send it.
Jim Brown
Manager Software
Wizard International,Inc.
Oops, Kalta, I see you are in England. Really sorry about recent events in London. :(

We have folks over there. If you want to make contact, I'll pass your e-mail to them.
Hi Jim.
Thanks for your reply, and concern hope all your guys are ok.

Having put the post on the Grumble yesterday, I found the UK agent who has sent me the demo disk.
I must say that I'm very impressed with the Wizard sofware. I found it easy to use, and I'm having "fun" with it.

Thanks again
Hi Kalta
I am in England and have spent a long time looking at CMCs. Just ordered mine.
Email sent to you
Hi Ian,

I have the Rapido and I always cut the mats separate and then atg them together.

If you are still having trouble with it I suggest you ring Jared at Hughes Moulding in Brisbane as he is the expert and can help you with any problems concerning the Gunnar, Or if you are going to the Frame Show in Sydney next weekend, ask them their. They give great customer service.
