CMC grumblings


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 4, 2003
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
As someone who will be "joining the ranks" of CMC owners before too long, I'm curious to know:

1) :mad: what DON'T you like about your particular CMC,

2) ;) did you carefully look at and consider all the machines available before making a decision (or was there one or more over-riding reasons for cutting the decision-making process short) and, most importantly

3) :D if you had to do it all over again, would you acquire the same machine?

Curious minds want to know.

Thank you(z). :confused:
Gunnar 601

1) Inaccuracy on small curves, v-grooves especially.

2) I considered several different machines. (The only two I ruled out instantly upon seeing were the Valiani and the Wizard)

3) Without a doubt, I still believe it to be the best machine for our application.
I have a Wizard

1) Inaccuracy on small curves, but they are about to change some of that with the NEW MODEL
2) I considered several different machines. (The only two I felt was within my budget was the WIZARD LEASE/RENTAL PROGRAM)
3) Without a doubt, I still believe it to be the best machine for our application,UNTIL I can get the New Model .
Buddy -
Can you elaborate as to what you mean by "small curves" - Do you find the wizard capable of doing multi-opening different size openings triple mats? Also, was the lease/rental the best way to go? Thanks
We are testing the new Wizard 5.0 program now.
After using the Wizard for over nine years there are a few short comings, but the new machine and program are going to be wonderful. The learning curve will be a little longer for those people with the current equipment ---completly new program. The program will allow us to do all the things we only wished for in the past--rotate and resize on the fly, use all window type, allow mat to grow when you add openings, snap to guide lines & best of all it removes all the un-needed cuts when you combine openings. There are a few problems with the program now, but they will be corrected before release date next month.
Fellow framers this topic has many faces all of which are based on individual bias for whatever machine you may have.
The first and most important consideration that a framer should look at is affordability. What are you willing to spend on a CMC? :confused:

Without a doubt the Wizard is King in that area being the most affordable with options to lease, buy or rent. No other CMC manufacturer can match that. :cool:

Wizard International is the only CMC supplier that will Guarantee a future value on your old CMC with several options for upgrading to the newer model 8000. No other company can give you that. :cool:

I can cut very small circles with any Wizard all I have to do is tweek the configs. Wizard V-Grooves are as good or better than other CMC's.
Lets face it how many small circles and V-Grooves does a framer cut in the overall process of his business, not many compared to most cut outs.

The Wizard software has always been more comprehensive and easier to use overall than any other CMC with over 100 templates and more than 500 clipart pieces not to mention Cadd for your own custom designs.

I have used the Gunnar software with its 26 templates and believe me it is miles behind the Wizard Mat Designer.

The 601 is the newest model to arrive from Gunnar and can't realy be compared with the older Wizard 5000. Compare it with the New Wizard 8000 and the new Wizard Mat Designer 5 to get a better picture.

I like Bill Ross have been Beta testing the new Wizard version 5 software it has even more functions and features than the Gunnar and can cut near perfect small circles and V-Grooves.

I have cut mat designs and Mat Art on a Wizard 5000 that would not be possible on any other machine. I can't wait to get the new model 8000.

Over 3,500 framers can't be wrong if they choose to have a Wizard. There is no advantage in buying a more expensive CMC than the Wizard.
Cheers from down under. Wayne Stewart
I own a Mat Maestro, aka iMat CMC.

1)It has a personality. Like its operator, it has good days and bad days. The key is to discover the good days and cut LOTS of mats. On a good day, you can cut anything (as long as it's 4-ply,) especially if you know CAD or CorelDraw. Because the company that built it is bankrupt, there is no warranty, no manufacturer's support and no resale value.

2)Apparently not. I was a breath away from buying a Wizard when someone from RCI called me. Hmmm . . . I wonder if RCI had someone inside the Wizard organization, or if it was just a really unfortunate coincidence.

3)Are you kidding?

BUT . . .

Even the Mat Maestro/iMat CMC has saved my one-person shop so much time and opened up so many possibilities that I am glad to have it.
I own an Eclipse - 2 years this month.

1)The complicated CAD interface.

2)I looked at the Wizard, The Fletcher, The Eclipse and, yes, the IMAT/Mat Maestro
The Wizard, while affordable seemed noisy and fragile compared to the Eclipse& the Fletcher and the corner charge/rental thing seemed odd.The IMAT/Mat Maestro had some appealing features but their demo software didn't work and the hard sell(weeks before bankruptcy) made me nervous. My real choice boiled down to the Eclipse vs. the Fletcher and while I think both are fine machines I chose the Eclipse based on several issues - I prefered the Eclipse interface, servo motors over stepper motors,and the work table angle.

3) I would buy the eclipse again - And, after 2 years experience with a CMC & 23 years without one, I would say it is the best money I've spent. I think I would be able to make the same statement had I bought the Wizard or the Fletcher (maybe not the Imat)

Peter Bowe
Saline Picture Frame Co.
My concern about the turnning curve or circle cutting ability of the Wizard isn't about cutting opennings it is about the ability to cut small scrolls . This is only a factor when doing decrotaive cuts. I do a lot of hand cutting and I have been trying to find a way ti do the same with the Wizard useing CADD . The difficulty is with the with of the blade (which is changeing) and the intracacies of MY Designs and needs there of(Check the Design segment for some of my designs to better understand).Some of this was changed with the recent Program Upgrades and the Smaller blade on the New Model.
It maybe that what i am hopeing for no machine is capable of or it may be that I am not CADD literate enoug as yet or some combination of the two.But the good news is tthat WIZARD is constantly trying to upgrade and improve and have a very helpful Design Staff (Danni).