Fellow framers this topic has many faces all of which are based on individual bias for whatever machine you may have.
The first and most important consideration that a framer should look at is affordability. What are you willing to spend on a CMC?
Without a doubt the Wizard is King in that area being the most affordable with options to lease, buy or rent. No other CMC manufacturer can match that.
Wizard International is the only CMC supplier that will Guarantee a future value on your old CMC with several options for upgrading to the newer model 8000. No other company can give you that.
I can cut very small circles with any Wizard all I have to do is tweek the configs. Wizard V-Grooves are as good or better than other CMC's.
Lets face it how many small circles and V-Grooves does a framer cut in the overall process of his business, not many compared to most cut outs.
The Wizard software has always been more comprehensive and easier to use overall than any other CMC with over 100 templates and more than 500 clipart pieces not to mention Cadd for your own custom designs.
I have used the Gunnar software with its 26 templates and believe me it is miles behind the Wizard Mat Designer.
The 601 is the newest model to arrive from Gunnar and can't realy be compared with the older Wizard 5000. Compare it with the New Wizard 8000 and the new Wizard Mat Designer 5 to get a better picture.
I like Bill Ross have been Beta testing the new Wizard version 5 software it has even more functions and features than the Gunnar and can cut near perfect small circles and V-Grooves.
I have cut mat designs and Mat Art on a Wizard 5000 that would not be possible on any other machine. I can't wait to get the new model 8000.
Over 3,500 framers can't be wrong if they choose to have a Wizard. There is no advantage in buying a more expensive CMC than the Wizard.
Cheers from down under. Wayne Stewart