cmc footprint


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
been thinking of takingthe plunge but had a thought....if the cutter is 90* upright what is the l-r/f-b foot print?? If it is, say 60*, upright, (assuming is can/will work at that angle), what is the l-r/f-b footprint?

only need the cutting board/stand measures so I can figure WHERE I can put this thing!

I read a thread last week(?) about problems with the bottom edge of the mat(&/or slip sheet) bowing when the cutter is 90* what point does that problem fade into insignificance as the angle is reduced, or has anyone done any experimenting to find out???

I realize I could emial wiz for answers but I tend to accept info from users easier than from vendors(Ive found user usually DONT have much of a reason to cloud/shadow the answers).
thanks all
Hi Bill
Congratulations on your purchase!

The issue with the bottoms isnt limited to 90 degrees.

I think it might be best to check with Wizard for those numbers, if you want something exact. They have wall brackets and a table bracket available. We opted to build our own and use it for storage as well. The angle we chose was based on what fit, not necessarily by a degree. My understanding is that it's OK as long as its not perfectly flat or square to the wall.

Here are some old diagrams of our shop, before the remodel, and dimensions of our Wiz table. Note that our table and easel are several inches wider than necessary (enough for a phone to be on one side)

If you scan the recent archives, there was a thread about this and some other folks shared photos of their wizard tables.

You're going to LOVE your new CMC

Best regards
Get The Picture
I had the same questions when I bought my Wizard. They told me that most people are using the wall bracket that holds it at a steep angle (70*?), so for $75 I bought that one. It is easy to mount and takes up almost no floor space. With this setup the board itself is only 18" from the wall and the cutting head sets out about 25".

Not sure if I want to keep it like that. I would like it to be more flat. It seems like there would be less falling dropouts and lifting of the mat off the surface. There is enough room for it, but it will get much bigger by doing this so I need to ponder for a while. Plus it's almost $500 with shipping to make the change.
FAQ at the Wizard site. "How much space does the Wizard Mat Cutter need?

The Wizard Mat Cutter was designed to cut a 40" x 60" matboard. The recommended space requirements for the mat cutter are 80" wide by 65" high. The minimum space for the computer, monitor, mouse, and keyboard is 26" x 30". The Wizard Mat Computerized Mat Cutter can be mounted on a wall or on a tabletop or you can purchase a Wizard CMC stand."

I'm sure the stand measurements are there also

You now can do the math with the angles.