been thinking of takingthe plunge but had a thought....if the cutter is 90* upright what is the l-r/f-b foot print?? If it is, say 60*, upright, (assuming is can/will work at that angle), what is the l-r/f-b footprint?
only need the cutting board/stand measures so I can figure WHERE I can put this thing!
I read a thread last week(?) about problems with the bottom edge of the mat(&/or slip sheet) bowing when the cutter is 90* what point does that problem fade into insignificance as the angle is reduced, or has anyone done any experimenting to find out???
I realize I could emial wiz for answers but I tend to accept info from users easier than from vendors(Ive found user usually DONT have much of a reason to cloud/shadow the answers).
thanks all
only need the cutting board/stand measures so I can figure WHERE I can put this thing!
I read a thread last week(?) about problems with the bottom edge of the mat(&/or slip sheet) bowing when the cutter is 90* what point does that problem fade into insignificance as the angle is reduced, or has anyone done any experimenting to find out???
I realize I could emial wiz for answers but I tend to accept info from users easier than from vendors(Ive found user usually DONT have much of a reason to cloud/shadow the answers).
thanks all