CMC Down


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Sep 25, 2000
Weaverville, NC USA
But... only temporarily. The new part is on its way, and since it was still under warranty, everything will be fine.

I sure did realize, though, how dependent I am on my CMC. The thought of having to cut even one may by hand was depressing. We have had our Wizard for 10 months now, and honestly don't know what I did without it. I am sure all CMC's are great, and that some may be better than others, but I don't intend to check out the others in Atlanta to see what I am missing. The Wizard is such a step up from doing it all by hand it still amazes me. And I know I am not taking full advantage of all of its capabilities. I am still learning a lot.

I will say that I was lucky last year when in Atlanta looking at all the CMC's. We did look seriously at the I Mat, but I was so overwhelmed by the technology the only question I could think to ask was "How do you change the blade?". I was lucky enough that the person running the machine at the time didn't really know how and was very clumsy about it and made it look quite difficult. So I just said "no thank you". Sure am glad now.

Finally, how about a question? To those of you who use a CMC, would you reccomend them to others? Do you really think they are worth it?

I would never go back. I would sell my van and walk to work before I'd start hand-cutting mats again. Today I cut a 20-opening collage. The windows were all postioned perfectly; none of the bevels were reversed. Sure, I've cut worse ones by hand, but it took me FOREVER! This one took 15 minutes, most of it measuring the objects.

BTW, this is not intended as a criticism, Carladea, but for those of us who like to talk about CMCs and other hi-tech framing toys, Framer has modified the computer software forum to give us a great place to do that.

We've had our Wizard for almost seven years and also do not dream about the old day.

Last week we cut a 100 picture opening mat with 100 name tags---three mats deep---600 openings--- for another gallery. The only problem is that we only charged $1.00 per opening ($600.) and the gallery charged his customer $3.75 ($2250.) for the mat only, plus $2.00 each to install the pictures & name tags ($400.) This is the third year I have done the same thing for his customer.
Carla - I had my Wizard in pieces last month. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Good luck with the repair. Kit

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
Have you all noticed how the number of visits on ALL the Grumble forums have increased since Warped was added? A sense of humor is a good thing in more ways than one!
