CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Okay, oh wise grumblinos. This may seem obvious, and perhaps I can't see the forest for the CMC's, but:
Now that the new CMC is up and running, and most of the in-house bugs, thereof, have been exterminated, the task confronts us as to how best to recoup our investment
1) Assuming the computer and CMC are not accessible to the customer, is there a dazzling yet compact way to display a cross section of matting samples, of the myriad possibilities now available?
2) How does one accomplish #1), without wasting too much time having to show each and every available creative possibility? It seems to serve no use to save time at one end, only to lose it + at the other?!?
Thank you all!
- printmaker -
Now that the new CMC is up and running, and most of the in-house bugs, thereof, have been exterminated, the task confronts us as to how best to recoup our investment

1) Assuming the computer and CMC are not accessible to the customer, is there a dazzling yet compact way to display a cross section of matting samples, of the myriad possibilities now available?

2) How does one accomplish #1), without wasting too much time having to show each and every available creative possibility? It seems to serve no use to save time at one end, only to lose it + at the other?!?

Thank you all!
- printmaker -