John has again hit the nail on the head. All of this talk about controller details does not really matter. What matters is the final product – the mat in your hand after the cutting is finished.
It does not matter if you used VCADD, ACAD, Illustrator, or Corel. It does not matter if you use HPGL or DXF. It does not matter which file format your CMC uses. It does not matter if the file is converted at the software level or at the hardware level. What matters, is that you know that each line and/or arc that these files contain is an instruction to CMC on exactly where and what to cut.
If you use HPGL you should know that the file is made up lots little line segments. Line segments so small that your eye cannot tell that they are line segments. But the computer running your CMC can tell this. To prevent the blade from plunging at the end of each of these little line segments your CMC cutting software must have some type of tolerance that lets the CMC know that it is ok to cut through a corner that falls within said tolerance (+/- 6 degrees as an example). This setting is either hard coded in the cutting program or it is on a “Settings” window somewhere in your software. The method of implementation by the CMC vendor does not matter. If your brand of CMC does not have this feature then you mostly likely won’t be cutting from an HPGL file and instead you will use DXF.
If you use DXF you will need to draw lines, and arcs (and splines in Wizards case) that are tangent if you do not want the blade head to pick up and replung. This is of course unless the DXF file is then output as HPGL instructions to the CMC. If so, the paragraph on HPGL above applies.
Nothing I just said should be taken as a positive or negative comment against or for a brand of CMC. No matter what CMC you use you will need to know about HPGL and/or DXF. You will need to know how to draw at least lines, and arcs. And you will need to know how to make them tangent if you do not want that blade to pick up and replung. Your lines and arcs must touch end to end exactly if they are to be cut in a continuous path. You will need to know how to create the lines and arcs in an order so that the CMC knows where to start and stop cutting (See Susan’s comment about the Eclipse; Wizard has a different method). And last, you will need to know how to tell the CMC what mat layer to cut what lines and arcs on (Some CMCs use layers, some use colors, some use pen numbers.).
The Devil is in the details.
Tip of the Day: Test the process using a simple rectangle. When you get that to work add rounded corners to your rectangle. When that works move on to the more complicated stuff.