Grumbler in Training
While business has been modestly profitable in our small town, I have a chance to pursue another dream. Do any of you have experience closing shop? Since I also carry art supplies, I'm giving myself a couple months to clear out what I can. As far as framing goes, I have an old Fletcher wall mounted glass cutter, a Phaedra system with a Ryobi saw, a small foot operated Cassese underpinner, Seal combination heat vacuum press, tacking iron, FrameReady software, and gobs of miscellaneous wire, widgits, etc., a roll of Mylar-D, several yards of 40" mounting tissue, mats, ready-made frames, and more that I won't have use for after the shop closes. Of course, the easiest solution would be if someone wanted to take on the business which is just north of Chattanooga. It's such a small town, though, Im not sure that anyone is going to be rushing in. Any advice on how to make this a happy ending will be appreciated.