Closing the door; going fishing!

Jack Cee

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jun 18, 2002
Willows, CA
I closing my doors as of May 1. Will be spending my time on photography, honey-do projects and fishing. All of my framing equipment is for sale. Equipment included is a Morso Chopper, Euro Underpinner, C&H Ovalmaster, 42x 68 Cold Frame Vacuseal, C&H G60 wall mount and much more. If you are interested please e-mail your request for a complete list and I will e-mail it to you. Please state the foremat that you can read. This is a good opportunity for someone within driving distance from Northern California. Any equipment unsold and delivered by May 1 will be placed in storage. I will be keeping my mat cutter and saws.

Jack Cee
I shall remain a thorn (and perhaps a twinge) in the sides of grumblers for a long time. I would welcome an opportunity to teach.

Jack Cee

Hi all - I need to purchase some framing equipment for my home based operation. (I'm a rookie). I am starting out small. I have a miter cutter but I am looking for an underpinner, used is ok for a very GOOD price! Any suggestions, ANYBODY - please. Thanks

Stephen :cool: