"Clear Corners"


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Oct 23, 2003
Columbia, SC
Does anyone know a source that still carries "clear corners"? They are the size and shape of 2 3/4" mat corner samples, made of clear acetate, and a great help in handling fillet samples. Originally purchased from LJ, who stopped carrying them, then from M&M who discountinued them, too. Don't find them in the United catalog. Any suggestions appreciated!

[ 02-10-2004, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: SCFramer527 ]
I had my plastic supplier cut mine out of 1/16 lexan was not very expensive and the lexan is very tough stuff. our suppplier here is Regal Plastics but I would guess any larger supplier of fabricator
I have not seen them lately.
We Take discountiuned mat corners and glue the filets to those, works just like a corner sample.