cleaning equipment


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 15, 1999
Winter Park, Florida
Having some trouble with my copier, the paper is not being picked up properly. I think probably the rubber rollers that grabs the paper needs to be cleaned. Some one told me once how to do this but I forgot. Anybody have any ideas what the proper way to clean the rubber rollers on copiers or even prints too???
As a teen I worked for a place that repaired copiers and laser printers. You are correct. The rubber pieces tend to dry out, pick up paper dust, and lose their ability to grip the paper. They make some specific products to soften these up again, but often some rubbing alcohol will be all it takes.
there should be a link as to proper cleaning and trouble shooting at the webside of you copier manufacturer, you'll just need the model # off the back, if not try googling the make and model # along with the word cleaning or maintenance, this is how I've saved my Epson printer for years. Yeppers, taking it apart the first time is scary but remember how scary it was the first time you opened up your PC to get inside? You'll be clean in no time at all
btw, alcohol dries out rubber and tends to just reamagamate the offenting ink, a bit of glycerine and water in your alcohol solution disolves and disperses the ink more effectively and helps to keep the rubber from dry rot.
we went to office depot and got a little box of sheets that are moistened with some kinda clener thingy. Put it thru the fax and copier machines once or twice nd it cleaned the rollers, deinked all the gunk and in general made everythng perform OK.