Jeff Rodier
SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
This item is a perfect example of what the right type of framed samples on display can bring. Customer was having a baby photo framed. I always spend a lot of time learning about the customer while designing a piece. As diferent subjects arise I mention items that we have framed for other customers. We were discussing object framing and I pointed out a piece we have displayed with military items in it. We were not discussing military items at the time. When she saw this, she said "I think I have a Civil War revolver in a box in the attic". I told her to bring it in and I will research the history of it for her.
I looked it up on the internet and then called the local gun shop for approximate value. Took 15 minutes. We then designed it with Integrated Framer and e-mailed a photo for approval.

I looked it up on the internet and then called the local gun shop for approximate value. Took 15 minutes. We then designed it with Integrated Framer and e-mailed a photo for approval.