Civil War Revolver

Jeff Rodier

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jul 28, 2005
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
This item is a perfect example of what the right type of framed samples on display can bring. Customer was having a baby photo framed. I always spend a lot of time learning about the customer while designing a piece. As diferent subjects arise I mention items that we have framed for other customers. We were discussing object framing and I pointed out a piece we have displayed with military items in it. We were not discussing military items at the time. When she saw this, she said "I think I have a Civil War revolver in a box in the attic". I told her to bring it in and I will research the history of it for her.


I looked it up on the internet and then called the local gun shop for approximate value. Took 15 minutes. We then designed it with Integrated Framer and e-mailed a photo for approval.
How did you get the lights in the shadowbox?

And don't they produce a lot of heat?

Nice gun. Looks like my old Navy 36.
Thanks guys.

Bingo! 1851 Colt Navy 36 caliber. The lights don't generate any heat since they are only the reflection of my ceiling lights. We forgot to get the shot before assembly.
We use additional frames inside of shadow boxes quite often.
I don't see any ships in the pictures... what are they and what have they got to do with the finest mid-century cap & ball revolver?
Baer, the top image is an Army Diploma (discharge) and the bottom image is an Antietam print.

I used the wizard to make mounts for the revolver to sit on, then it was wired in place.
I tend not to trust mighty mounts any more after some failures in the past.
Jeff, could you explain the mounts you made on the Wizard?

What frame did you use for the shadow box?

It looks great!
Jo, Jeff designs and Dave is the framer..

I would assume stand-offs to run the wire through.

Love the fact that you scattered the Mini balls on the field, Dave/Jeff.

But I still don't understand the Army discharge... with a Navy model "51".... would a Navy DD-214 be more appropriate? Or was the army guy sick and tired of trying to get his Colt model "49" 44 cal to rotate and stole a good working Navy... :D


Colt used the term Navy to designate the small caliber of revolver. While the model is Navy the vast majority of this model was used by the Army. Seems this model was more reliable and the preferred weapon for the Army.
Jo, the frame for the shadow box is a fairly new one from Decor.

Here are some photos of the support i made on the wizard. After it was assembled we filled it with hot glue. this made it rock hard. (the gun was not glued).


Love it. Nice job. I was wondering how much you charged?
We did this one very inexpensively since the customer let us choose all elements of the framing. The price was $450 and the mouldings were in-stock items. This was one of those things that the customer didn't really have any desire to have it framed but said she would do it if the price wasn't too high. Having this in the store where customers can see it has motivated three other customers to start rummaging around the attic.

The $450 was an arbitrary number that we pulled out of the air as one that we knew would be acceptable to her and profitable for us.
Rick, its just 4 pieces of mat-board. 2 are rectangles & 2 are a bit fancier these were done in Pathtrace.

Do you mind me asking how you 'assembled' those 4 small pieces of matte board. I know you mentioned previously that you filled it with hot glue, after assembly, but you didn't go into any detail on how you got the 4 pieces stuck together with such a perfect fit.

I lay out the 4 pieces on a strip of tape. Then I brush on a small amount of white glue on the bevels. the tape acts as a hinge. Then you just connect the 4th side.
Thanks for the instructions, Dave. I'll have to try one out soon. It is such an attractive support