CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
I have been dealing with a company that just can't seem to get it right when I order chops. They are never cut where I don't have a big gap on the outside corners and I end up cleaning them up on my saw. Since this has been a continuing thing, I have since just ordered length and cut it myself. However it would be nice to buy chops when I can use them without having to mess with them other than glue and v-nail them together. I like the quality of the mouldings I have been getting, but that's about it. Anyone have a good supplier of moulding where they are getting good chops along with quality moulding? I'm not just wanting to complain to be complaining, but it ends up cutting into my profit big time when I pay for chops and end up fixing them before I can use them. And by the way, yes, I have talked to the company but my complaints fall on deaf ears. I'm kind of gun shy of trying another supplier by getting corner samples, setting up my POS software for their products and go through this again without getting some ideas of who has a good product out there. Any help would be most welcome. By the way, anyone needing to know who I'm dealing with so it won't happen to you, send me a private e-mail. Thanks.
