choose press Drytac or Printmount


Grumbler in Training
Aug 13, 2004
new york
I need to choose between Drytacs "Hot Press" or Printmounts "Hot Shot" for a mounting press.I am going with the 44x64 size so it is a big investment. Any opinions would be a big help. Thank you
At the risk of further revealing my sieve-like brain, is the Hot Press the one that was made by those Brits that has the clear glass top? If it is, then that is the one I recommend (of course, I haven't worked with the other, so I don't know what kind of endorsement that is...) We have had one for about 8 years (bought it the first year it was available in NY) and still really like it.
I have a Print Mount Hot Shot and I have been very happy with it. More importantly, Print Mount's customer service has been extraordinary. Not only have they cheerfully answered every question I have ever had, but their tech person even spent hours (literally) walking me step-by-step through taking apart my compressor and fixing it when I did something dumb and caused it to freeze up.
Drytac's Hot Press is very easy to use and their tech support has always been excellent. The only problems I've had have been operator errors, and they were professional enough to NOT make me feel like a complete idiot. Sorry that I can't compare it to the Hot Shot, but I can say that I've never regretted the purchase.
If I were buying mounting equipment for a shop today I would be looking at a cold process roll laminator. With all of the digital media that you get to mount and frame a cold process system makes sense.