chinese engraved plaques?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2005
Manitoba, Canada
We have a customer who has a large Chinese piece of art that we framed.

They've decided now that they'd like to get a plaque engraved in both chinese and english, but we can't find ANYONE in our parts who can engrave in Chinese.

does anyone know of any place where we could get this done?

Laser is your option. Only problem is laser light get rebound from metal and cant be done....soooooo

They lazer a black flexible plastic (ABS) that has a foil facing...........
That way you get a wonderful "engraved" and blackened lettering... and cheap..

So, your wording and conjee can be scanned into Corel or another Bit-Mapper... which can be fed into a lazer.
Baer, do you know of a place where I could have this done?
that would be great. We've phoned everyone in town and no one here seems to have any ideas about it. I even tried to find some places on the internet where I thought there might be a large population of Chinese people, but 3 out of the 3 places I tried never got back to me........

These are important corporate customers to us so I'd really like to be able to get this done for them!
In our school district the high schools have the versalasers in their technology departments. You might try your local high school or trade school.