cheap Canon S2 camera deal


Good suggestion!

This is a great camera period....and a great price, regardless! I paid $468 just a year ago for the identical camera.


You are trying to kill me aren't you.

I bought mine 3 weeks ago for 310.00.

Next your going to tell me that IF is free and the wizard has started growing on trees.

Great camera for anyone interested. (Not to mention that Integrated Framer sets up like a dream with this camera!)

Steve, see any plasma 80" tv's for 200.00?

I think I'll have to wait a bit longer.
I think I'll have to wait a bit longer.
Yeah, but not much longer.. gotta love technology..
Originally posted by JbNormandog:

Steve, see any plasma 80" tv's for 200.00?
Try Tiger Direct, they have one for that price, but it has no screen.

I do buy from Tiger, but huge warning if you do don't buy anything that has a "rebate" price. They are notorious for not paying the rebates, or finding ways to back out of the rebate.

My two flat screens I got from them, great screens and good prices, but I didn't buy the ones with rebates!