changeover at forest gallery


True Grumbler
Dec 10, 2003
hopewell new jersey
I'm asking this question, not to provoke any bad feelings, but does anyone have any thoughts on the changeover at forest gallery? Positive? Negative? Should this be discussed privately off of the bulletin board?


Never heard of them. What's the change?
Apparently no one cares. Why don't you tell us how you feel about it.
New ownership - the staff is the same except that Alan Cohn their Rep was let go. Gary, the new owner will be making his own sales calls with an RV showroom. Alan Cohn landed on his feet as a Rep for DonMar. They are reducing their LaMarche line as it collapses and have added Roma products. They are just as nice to deal with as always. Reliable local truck deliveries for their line.

Pat :D
We sell moulding to Forest Gallery. I worked with forest gallery for many years. I have very good feelings about the new owner (Gary). He is very enthusiastic and really seems interested in growing the company. Gary brings new energy to the company and everyone there seems to be happy with the change. I expect to see positive changes and growth in the near future.

Philip LaMarche
I just called over there and had a nice little conversation with someone staying late on a friday.
I haven't used them in the past but would like to learn more and will probably set up an account next week.
Great post it should help me consolidate orders.
Just met Gary the new owner. He stopped by to show me his traveling showroom, no little pices of moulding but real size corner samples!
Great guy and they deliver with their trucks so no extra delivery charge.
I have no worries going forward with them not to mention I can order several of my companies in one call.
Parismom thanks for posting this otherwise it could have taken me months to have found them.