CD not being recognized when inserted


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
This relates to a thread I posted a while ago regarding my CD-rom. I have not replaced it since I got past the immediate problem.

The problem that exists is that I can read from the CD-Rom, play audio from it. But when I insert one to write to it - it does not recognize that one has been inserted?

Fixable? or Replace?



I am not trying to be funny. Are you sure it is a recordable cd drive? Have you burned with it before?

If you have in the past have you tried a different brand cd from the last one?

Besides different brands they come in different speeds and time.

Is it an internal drive?
Roz, I have the same problem with the DVD burner in my computer. There are certain brands, or maybe to be more precise, certain batches of different brands that my DVD burner will insist that I 'Insert DVD'. It fails to recognize the DVD.

I think DVD and CD burners were designed to make us insane.
Roz, if you you are running Windows XP on your system, there is sometimes a glick in it. I have fixed it by running a simple little program that I found on the internet. Type that question into a search engine and it will lead you to it.
I am on (sadly) w2000.

I just went and got new cd's and find that I can copy files thru my Prassi program onto the cd or burn from Kodak EasyShare... but when I try to back up from any of my programs or use Publisher's "pack and go" to take the file to the printer... it doesn't work....

Boy, am I confused not to mention frustrated.
I found this on a "geek" site... but I don't want to do anything that would put me in worse shape:

I have an Atapi cd-rw drive. It recognizes regular discs fine, data or audio, but it won't recognize a cd-r. It used to, but not anymore. and I'ave tried cleaning the thing, too.[/q]

All inquiries: Had the same issue recently.

Check whether your IMAPI CD-burn COM service has been disabled or has stopped running. (run msconfig, or look it up via Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services).

Mark it as a start-up service, reboot, and start the service manually if it still doesn't run (again by Control Panel/AdTools/Services).

After that, my CD-drive worked fine.


What do you think? Sounds like a common problem!!
Roz, I ran a computer hardware business before getting into framing. I would think if it reads everything except CDR disc. It is either a bad batch of CDR Discs or the CDRW Drive is gone!

Try reading some CDR Discs that you may have burnt before and see if you can read them. It sounds like you can read them but not write them. The bright spot hear is that CDRW drive is quite cheap anymore (less than $50).
After some difficulties myself I have learned that reading the packaging is handy as there could be information that states the product will not work with certain drives. (more common on DVD's)