Cassese 810 for sale

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA

Will you buy me and give me a good home? I have given many years of reliable and good service. But, alas, my current ownershave purchased a new one.

I have just been fully overhauled by a Cassese repairman, and am in perfect working order, and will be for years to come. I come with a 90 day Warranty, 2 extra drivers, all the allen wrenches, and a starter cartridge set of each size of nail of both hard and soft wood.

I am avail for inspection, or more pix.

Pick-Up if you are in SC, otherwise, I will be in a great plywood crate, free of charge for FOB LA.

Asking price: $1500.00

I have a twin brother for sale too. 2800.00 for BOTH!
CAll 818 985 0922

Originally posted by Marc Lizer:
Pick-Up if you are in SC
When did you move to South Carolina, Marc?

I found a sucker, er, I mean, a buyer for one of them. So now only one is without a good home.

Any takers for a well cared for machine looking for a good owner?
Do you accept payment in the form of a credit memo?
Originally posted by Marc Lizer:

I found a sucker, er, I mean, a buyer for one of them.
Hey Marc, The proverbial check isn't in the proverbial mail yet!
I'd take a credit memo if the buyer had something I wanted a credit on. For instnace, if you had a paint job or parts for parts for my old car.

Otherwise, I would rather use the barter system:
I'll trade the objectof established value for pieces of printed paper with an established value.

And Emibub: True, the proverbial common carrier has not made the proverbial pickup either. But the proverbial (slow/long) terms as well as proverbial killer price you got, won't be a done deal until it does.