cartoon cell & goooey tape residue


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
just had a 'fall off the wall' come in. That broke the hinges loose....everything shifted so the ugly sticky residue of the tape used for hinging (looks/feels alot like 1.25" or 1.5" filmoplast) got all over the cell material(a hanna-barbara signed/limited edition/commercial 23" X 40" piece with seperately painted background piece).... I know UNDU takes the goo off (I cleaned the crap off the mats) BUT what will be the consequence if I use UNDO on the cell itself ????????? My guess is it will further ruin it, yes? unfortunately, there are 4- 1"X2" patches of the stuff on the cell, fortunately, it managed to miss any of the characters(just!).....
anyone have any experience with animation cell materials??

there is absolutely N O chance of getting this gunk off the plastic cell w/o 'something' to loosen the bond(plastic makes such a good bed for sticky stuff and this stuff has been left "in place" for about 6 mos......

thanks all
I’ve never seen an animation cel that large.

If the goo is on the un-painted side, my guess would be that UNDU (or a naphtha based product) would be okay. If it is on the painted side, then all bets are off.

I’d try a cotton pad dampened with lighter fluid very close to the corner where it is not going to show.

I assume that the taped portion was originally hidden by the mat. If all else fails, re-tape it in the original position, and tell your customer, “Hey, not my fault!”

(Unless it was, then keep your mouth shut. :D )
unfortunately,Bill, the stuff is on both sides. I'm really conerned with the "long term"effect of the chemical interactions....EG. amonia kills plexi---not today but soooon....that kind of thing. hadnt thought of lighter fluid...not quite the alchemist's brew that UNDO is, so maybe alittle more entle/forgiving?????
Bill -
You might want to try denatured alcohol - it's not as strong as lighter fluid or Undu. Also, the acetate that the cells are on might cloud w/ a petroleum based solvent. Again, I would test an area that would be covered by the mat.
You first would need to determine the type of material the cel is. Hopefully it is Mylar (polyester film), in which case is very chemical resistant. If not, be careful!

I'd recommend advice from our resident conservator on this one. Hope he is listening.