Carrying case for matboard / moulding


Grumbler in Training
Mar 26, 2006
Rochester, NY
Much of my business involves in-home or in-business consulation with clients. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for carrrying moulding and matboard samples? I currently use a large square case on wheels for the moulding. I cut pieces of black foamboard and attached strips of velcro. Works OK but not great. Haven't really found anything great for the matboard except one case for $100 from RT innovations which is made to carry a wire 18" rack. I did check the archives and couldn't find anything. Thanks!
Whoa! Your case has WHEELS?! :eek:

I am SO jealous.

Rob, you might want to compare notes with some of your reps.... what you are doing is exactly what we are doing..... and all of us reps are always looking for new ways to lighten our loads.
My current case is one used by Creative Memories consultants. Not made expressly for framers, but it does work pretty well. My wife is a CM consultant and when I saw her case, knew that it would work for my purposes. I will check with some of the reps to see what they are using. Thanks!
I use Moulding Sample Cases by RT Innovations, Bethesda, MD. Size 23'x31'x6'. Made additional inserts. Works great for corner samples.

Their tele is: 301-654-7055. No 800# shown on invoice but can be found on their web site.
I used to have a married couple rep combo (some of you did, too) that would come in with beat-up boxes of moulding samples tied shut with clothesline.

They'd empty the boxes on my counter for examination and then have (sometimes spirited) discussions about how to get them all back into the boxes.

I miss them.

What you show them is probably more important than what you carry it in.
Whatever you use be **** sure it has wheels, and large ones at that. The wimpy little wheels trip you up everytime!

I feel sorry for the reps that walk in carying their stuff. OSHA must have something to say about it. I know the post office has a weight limit for what their carriers can carry, hence the drop boxes all over town!

What about those fold up grocery carts that everyones Aunt Lucy wheels around? Cover it in canvas to look better and carpet covered gator board to hold the samples (and present a more professional image).
Noticed two of my reps have recently purchased wheeled suitcases. They seem pretty pleased with them.
I use an LJ case for mouldings and some samples. I usually don't take alot of mat samples until after I've seen the art or home; unless, they have given me ideas of their color schemes in advance. I take digital photos of the rooms where they want to put the art. Most of the time I take the art away with me to complete the designs; this is where I am hoping the PIF visualization system helps with communications between the customer and me and limits the number of visits by utilizing email.

I like the LJ case, and you could use a second one for a full set of mat samples, measuring tapes, order sheets, etc. if needed.
Elaine what is the LJ case...did larson market something else? I am not familiar with what you write. Thanks for the help
Nielsen Bainbridge/Nurre Caxton reps use a suitcase sized case with wheels and a collapsing handle, I love it! Yes, Osha would have had a field day with us, so now we have wheeled cases, but still have to lift them up into the van! I just consider it my workout for the day :>) I will find out where they are ordered from if you like. Just let me know
In my old Framing Van days, we made oversize denim sacks which held 20x30ish 1/2" foamboard covered with Velcro fabric. The boards were sorted by moulding type (golds, walnuts, silvers, antiques, etc) and we would transport into the customer the appropriate boards in one of the denim carryalls. The matboards were in suitcases. Worked for us for about 15 years.
The LJ case is in the catalog, ask your rep about them and explain how they will be used. See if they will help you out with one.

I use the cases from RT Innovation. I have the largest carrying case for moulding and the matboard case you mentioned. The moulding case just has handles and a shoulder strap and I have been seriously considering buying the one with wheels for a while. Unfortunately when going to a client's home, there are usually stairs at the front door so I'm not convinced it will help much having the wheels.

I have a few extra inserts for the moulding case and have grouped my mouldings by finish/color to make it easier to just take the ones I need to my appointment.

The matboard case is great though it's pretty awkward to carry since it's so heavy. Having the wheeled moulding case might allow you to put this on the top of it and make loading/unloading easier.

RT Innovations have been at all of the Atlanta and NYC trade shows I've been to and have some pretty good discounts if you can wait until then to buy these.
Thanks Lisa for the feedback. I'll probably spring for the matboard case and keep using my rolling case for the moulding samples. I should be able to put the mat case on top to minimize back strain! Not sure I can wait for a trade show and I want to present the best possible image to my customers.
I suspect it depends on the volume of your load. I happen to use wheeled luggage - the size you can carry onto planes. There are many different designs to chose from.