Career night at local university - any ideas??


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
Shippensburg, PA 17257 USA
The local university has invited us to set up a booth at a career night in the Art Department. Also invited, Dick Blick, AC Moore and Michaels.
I want to prepare a C/P brochure and have demos on how to properly mount an original work of art on paper. May have a drawing for a door prize...
Does anyone have any other ideas? These aren't kids with a lot of money, although a few have surprised us with their parents' credit card...but it is a market we want to tap into. At the present time, the university store sells paper mats and regular foamcore for a not so good price. We would like to teach these kids that they need to do better with their artwork. I was surprised that they also invited the other three, as they are all at least 35 miles away. (they haven't committed to coming yet). We have enough trouble getting them to town -and we're only 1 mile away.
Has anyone done this sort of thing - or have any ideas? Thanks.

[ 02-19-2004, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: Maryann ]
The local university has invited us to set up a booth at a career night in the Art Department. Also invited, Dick Blick, AC Moore and Michaels.
I want to prepare a C/P brochure and have demos on how to properly mount an original work of art on paper. May have a drawing for a door prize...
Does anyone have any other ideas?
Isn't a career night an opportunity to find a job? Are you in the right location at the right time?

On the other hand, if it is a no charge event, go for it. There will be a lot of people there and you will get some visibility and maybe a customer or two. I would make sure to have a simple hand out (8 1/2 x 11 flyer) with your address and hours as well as a summery of what you demo.
Depending on how much lead time you have, Tru-Vue has some really nice brochures on custom framing and (surprise!) cc glass. I'd get a chunk of them to give away and definately show what can happen when you don't think conservation.

Show some examples of framed diplomas, maby some will come back to you after graduation. My shop is just a couple of blocks from a University, I think I should have named my shop 'Diplomas-R-Us'.

I mis-spoke. :eek: It's not a career night. It's an art expo for the students. Cost is our time.

I do have the brochures from TruVue and plan on taking them, although I think one more thing to read is the last thing a student is looking for.

Framed diplomas are a great idea.

I'm thinking of putting a print in the window today with half cc glass and half regular. I know truvue has specifiers, but I may do it with a popular print that they're familiar with. I want to convince them to use cc glass on their original art. Thanks for the thoughts

OOPS, I didn't realize Bob was signed on. He disclaims all of the above. :D

Maryann Shirk

[ 02-19-2004, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Bob Shirk MCPF ]