Canvas Stretcher


True Grumbler
Jan 12, 2004
Cumming, GA
I want to stretch canvas... more than I can handle with even the best hand tools.

Can anyone here compare and contrast the Tensador and the EZ-Stretch? I can hardly find anything on the Tensador except this:

The EZ-Stretch looks like a good tool and the web site does a much better job at selling the product than Tensadore does.

Anyone here use either? If anyone has used both, which do you like best and why? Remember my philosophy of buying the best tools you can afford... So while I can't say price is no object, I don't want cost to deter my decision on which is the best option for stretching canvas quicker than by hand.


I have a tensadore-2 stretcher. We stretch thousands of canvases every year, couldn't do it with out a machine.

The Tensadore uses a friction grip to clamp the canvas while the EZ-stretch uses a band-saw blade. The easy stretch will lightly puncture the canvas. while this is not a big concern for cheap Chinese canvases it may be on higher end ones.
Active Sales had a smaller stretcher at the Atlanta show. It is kind of a table top version. I bought it after the show, price of $399. It is supposed to work on canvas up to 24x36. Delivery in about a month. We'll see how well it works.
Kenny, that looks good. They seem to be local to me so I will call and get a demo. We are doing a lot more gallery wraps and my Tensador does not have the gallery wrap attachment. I may have a Tensador II for sale in the near future. :)
I've had my 60" stretcher for about four months now without any problems. Did you watch the video to see it in action? Just one small suggestion if you decide to purchases it. Get a long nose pneumatic staple gun and use 1/2" staples

Dave is an honest person to deal with, he will custom make the stretcher up to eight feet if you need it. Good luck

whichever one you get--we all want to hear the blow-by-blow !
Well, I have had my Tensardor II for over 2 years and it works very well for normal stretching. We are now doing a lot more gallery wraps which still need to be done by hand. That is why I am even considering this in the first place.

Kenny, I have 4 Senco SJS staplers so I think I am covered :)
Yes Jerry, I know that they make a gallery wrap attachment. But as I recall the cost was $$$$. After looking at the way this stretcher works in the video on there site. I think this might be a superior design. I like the fact that you work on the project away from you rather then in between you and the machine. 36x48 are almost impossible to do on the tensador by yourself.
Unless your doing some kind of heavy volume...the two best tools are at the ends of your wrists. That an a good stapler, NOT the kind hooked up to the compressor...and maybe a canvas plier, and your all set.
the two best tools are at the ends of your wrists.

I did that for years. After 2-3 large canvases my hands were so cramped up that I couldn't frame for the rest of the day. With a stretching machine, I can easily turn out hundreds a day. When I only need 1-2 it is still much faster.

BTW I ended up mounting my Tensador II to the wall. This way it is out of the way of normal production and right there when needed.