Canvas Restorer/Repair in Maine


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 24, 2004
Round Pond, ME
A customer brought in an oil on canvas in need of repair and cleaning. It has a tear in it, some scrapes, and needs an overall cleaning. I do not do this type of work, but she is a customer (has had a few things frames by me) and I told her I'd try to find someone who could repair her painting. It's quite large....24" x 32". I would not take it off the wooden stretchers to roll it up as the canvas seems quite brittle. Does anyone know of a restorer in Maine (not a conservator, this thing needs repair!)
Consertators can repair most any painting. You
might contact: Victor Grace, 20 W. Cundys Point Rd., Harpswell, ME, 04079, (207)729-1329.

Your only "safe choice" is a painting conservator. A person who calles himself a "restorer" is probally not qualified to handle such work.
A conservator specializing in painting on canvas does repair work on damaged or fragile canvases.
Check with the AIC about a list of conservators in your area. There's a link on the Library of Congress home page.

Edit: Slow on the keyboard....again. :rolleyes:
I have had experience with this conservator, she is affiliated with the AIC. The following information is from the 2004 AIC directory.

Nina Roth-Wells
80 Williams Road
Georgetown, Maine 04548
(207) 371-2427
She specializes in paintings

Most conservators are opposed to the word "restore." They can't/won't bring the piece back to its original condition.