Can't get into my own website... wierd


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I was trying to check my website... and in trying to access it... received a window:

"Enter Network Password"


Asking for:

User Name:




Lookes to me that the server could be down...

And you should have your user name and password to gain access to your own site....

I am so frustrated. I just set up the hosting a month and half ago. I was on a monthly pay direct to my credit card... and these bozos only did 1 month and without notice - turned off my website. It is so dumb. I can't believe it. I am definitely going to get a different webhost. Does anyone use artaffairs?

This is an area that I fall FLAT on my face about... I feel so dumb.

As you know there are bazillions of hosts out there. I am very happy with "One-on-One" , but there is a reference site which will allow you to type in your criteria (like bandwidth, storage capacity, and price) and they will come up with a list of sites and contacts. Since there are so many, it may take you a while to settle on one, but it may be worth it to you in the long run.

I would not suggest doing any business with ArtAffairs out of Toronto, Canada, They have not been able to fulfill contracts to build website for at least 3 framers---me being one of them. A class action law suit against them is in the works. Buyers beware!

Any self-respecting web-hosting company would notify you first before pulling off the switch.

Go with Godaddy. I have been using them for a while and both their prices and service are excellent.
Go with Godaddy

I have been hosting sites on GoDaddy for more than a year and they are the easiest to deal with of any Internet Service Provider I have used.

Their prices are excellent and their customer service has been extremely helpful.

They have a wealth of tools and applications to use when creating your site.

Good luck!
"speaks highly of GoDaddy"

had them for a few years---as 'another' webaddress. thought they were pretty good BUT last 3-4 months I've had fits with them(?) droping my access so that I have to go thru a 15-30 min phonecall to get things back working.......right now I have to click 'clear cookies' then retyp the entire usr/pswd---each time I want to go there......just cant work up enough 'being civil' to make another long phone call
Godaddy has actually called me and told me that I am overpaying with them. They then adjusted my account and lowered all my fees.

When I got close to the end of my agreement they called and offered an even lower rate.

Great company. I host all of my websites through them.
