Canon Digital Rebel

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
I have a couple of 35mm Canon bodies and six lenses and I swore that, if I ever bought yet another (fourth) digital camera, it would have to take those lenses.

I finally went out and bought the EOS 300D, better known as the Digital Rebel, last weekend, after considering other, more compact, alternatives.

There has been a lot of discussion about film vs digital, and I have been one of the holdouts. I'd use my digital cameras for instant gratification and web-postings, and my film cameras for anything "serious." I think that's about to change.

Besides being able to review the shot after it's taken and print it at home on a good photo printer, here are a couple things this camera will do that my film camera never dreamed of:

  • Automatically adjust the ISO speed from 100-400 or set it manually from 100-1600. This means you can take the camera from bright outdoor conditions to very dim light without changing "film."</font>
  • Automatically or manually adjust the white balance for any type of lighting. Use the camera in any type of light without filters or color-correction.</font>
  • Automatic bracketing with adjustable bracketing range.</font>
Otherwise, it includes all the auto-focus and metering options you'd expect to find on a good 35mm SLR.

If you're on the fence about a digital SLR (Canon or Nikon,) what are you waiting for?
I still have (although I can't remember when I last used) my original Nikon F and Crown Graphic.
Now you guys know why I have all this extra time to "play" on The Grumble ;)
We have been dragged kicking & screaming into the digital age - but, also because of it our photofinishing business has gone in the dumpster. I'm not complaining - it gives me more time to devote to picture framing
which (even after 25+ years) I still enjoy!! Picture framers are the nicest people to do business with!!!

Ron -
you will LOVE the digital Rebel - super resolution (I've made 24x30's that would knock your socks off) and easy to use. And the price is right (under $850) for any camera w/ 6.3 megs.
And, you can still use all your old lenses -
Jerome -
I'm a "pack rat" like you have several Nikons - a few Crown/Speed graphics - bunch of Mamiya RB's -
Once I figure out how to sell on e-bay, I'm going to have a garage sale! Maybe I can make enough to buy a new Fletcher CMC!
Hey Ron and Mike
I have an old Canon EOS 650 with both a EF 50mm and a EF 70-210 lense. If I buy a Canon digital body will these "old" lenses fit and work. I never use this camera anymore but the thought of parting out to digital sounds good. I have a little Fuji Finepix and digital is all I do now. But the quality of the Canon would be a huge improvement.
Tom, the Digital Rebel will work with any of the EF autofocus lenses and your 70-210 will become the equivalent of a 105-315mm.

If you buy one, get the kit with the EFS 18-55mm. You'll be paying less than $100 extra for a very nice lens that will take care of the shorter focal lengths. You cannot buy the lens separately.

Happy Birthday, by the way. Go ahead and treat yourself to a new camera. They're going for around $750 with the lens and probably less on line.

I think I paid more than that for a 1.3 megapixel Sony Mavica a few years back.

Okay, it was more than a few.
Thanks Ron, I don't know why I never thought of that possibility before. Sounds like a plan....and a nice camera. But mom and dad didn't give me enough $ for my birthday to get it right now. I'll have to save up like a good boy... :D
Tom - Like Ron said, your old EOS lenses will work just fine on the new Digital Rebel and you get a little more tele w/ them. Also - do like Ron said & get the lens w/ the outfit - there's not much difference in price. And since the intro at PMA of the newest Digital Rebel w/ 8 meg it's selling for 1,495 or there-abouts.

Oh! and Happy Birthday too!

Edit: One other thing I forgot to mention - the new lens that comes w/ the Digital Rebel (18-55mm)won't work on your old EOS 650 (Bummer) - I wish it did, would make a neat wide-angle on the film camera. - So, don't try to force it on!
Sure your old lenses will work. I'd rather see you throw them in the bin though. (or to kwote Tom "poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick")

Keep an eye on Sigma lenses, they're coming out with an excellent range of digital specific lenses that will allow you to get far better results.
Interesting, Lance.

From the limited and informal tests I've run with the Digital Rebel using (mostly) the Canon EF 75-300 1:4-5.6 lens (under very demanding conditions), I'd say the results were much better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

As I recall, you weren't too keen on the Sony Mavica, which I always found very adequate for a 1.3 megapixel camera, so probably I'm just not as discriminating as you are.

Truly, I intend no sarcasm (for once) but I do have to wonder about the dozens of independent reviews I've read on the Digital Rebel, using a range of EF lenses. They were quite positive.

For myself, it's unlikely I'll be completely giving up my film cameras, so I don't think I'll be buying lenses that will only work on the digital camera.