Canada Day

You too eh
and a Happy Canada Day to you as well!!!

Hope you are all doing something great! My sister and hubby are arriving today for a holiday and we are going to try to squeeze in a pool party before they get here.

Thank God - the rain has stopped and we have a nice hot day!
I do wish y'all would do something about that cold air you keep sending down here. I think I can remember feeling a little chilly one day last winter.

Happy Canada day, from San Diego, California.

What is Canada Day, anyway? (seriously?)

Have a Happy One!
Ya know, Canadians typically know way more about the USA than Americans know about Canada. Americans have actually been known to arrive at the border in July with ski racks and snowmobliles.....

I've never heard any Canadians ask "What is the Fourth of July?"

Thanks James
That's a great link, James - and the part about some people even paint their faces - I have a cousin out your way who dresses up in red and white flashing LEDs, Maple Leaf EVERYTHINGS - she said she can be seen from miles away! LOL! Maybe you saw her at the fireworks?
I read the link on trench warfare. My father fought with the Canadian Army when he was thirteen years old on the western front. His company was gassed in the trenches. Due to his age, he was the only survivor, even with a gunshot wound, in his company. The remainder of his life he had to take pills daily to keep the liquids out of his lungs. He died November 6, 1948 in Vancouver. I was five years old.

Apparently quite a few American young men joined the Canadian Army so that they could get into the action sooner. My father lied about his age, I guess the Canadians where not being to picky at the time. Trench warfare depended on large numbers of soldiers to be successful. Anyway, happy Dominion/Canada Day.

Just keep sending us the beer and beautiful woman! Labatts, Molson, Pam Anderson, and all of the other things I am forgetting. Please OH' Please take back the Barenaked Ladies!!!!

Just Kidding...sort of
Patrick Leeland
Originally posted by Patrick Leeland:
Just keep sending us the beer and beautiful woman! Labatts, Molson, Pam Anderson, and all of the other things I am forgetting. Please OH' Please take back the Barenaked Ladies!!!!

Patrick Leeland
A couple of years ago I did a ADSL internet install for a photographer in Vancouver. On his wall was a photo that he had taken of of Pamela Anderson before she became famous, and cosmetically enhanced. Back then she was naturally beautiful.
Big boosams may attract (most) men but it takes a lot more than that to keep (most) of them.

And as for the BareNaked Ladies, what would you do with a million dollars?
