"Can you put this in contact with glass" question


True Grumbler
Dec 26, 2003
Littleton, NH
A customer came in the other day with a painting on heavy mylar paper, the painting has a texture coating that was painted surface with a brush. I would like to float mount this painting and wanted to know if this type of texture coating could be pressed behind glass or if there is another way to mount this so it can float. Thanks in advance. George
Originally posted by gmff:
A customer came in the other day with a painting on heavy mylar paper...has a texture coating...wanted to know if this type of texture coating could be pressed behind glass...George
Generally speaking, nothing in a frame should be pressed against the glass. The reasons are well covered in the archives. You might search for "condensation", "air gap", and "pastel" for starters. There's a ton of information available.

I'm not sure what you mean by "mylar paper". Could you elaborate? Is your art an original painting, or could it be a print that has been texturized?

If it is a print that has been texturized with acrylic gel medium, then it probably is intended to be framed without glazing, to have the appearance of an original on canvas. Those usually are just decorative artworks, and not collectible, so preservation isn't an issue.

But if glass is to be used, make sure it doesn't touch the surface of the art - the more air gap the better.