Can we say Kitsch?

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA


Use of computerized mat cutter gone amok.
I'm not usually a fan of 'unusual' cuts becasue they can make the mat appear more important that the art work. But in this case the skyline silhouette works nicely with the theme of the subjects being framed. I might have omitted the french steps around the photo - or do we need them for balance?

For this client, the more ongerpuct (again, yiddish) the better.

All in all, it's just too much.

However done more tatefully, it could work. Perhaps a skyline only along the bottom of a horizontal item? In complemantary colors, and not contrasting?
or---how about skyline just on the right with the picture then being off center. could even keep some black up the left -- in straight line.

I also say nuke the plate (or keep in on the back) and get rid of the exra corners around the photo....but they probably really wanted the how about it nestled within the black buildings far to the right?

Well, it's a thought!
To me the design isn't quite *enough*. It tries to be over-the top, but doesn't quite make it. (I like over-the-top, by the way) What would push it that little bit more, would be the addition of a silver foil liner between the cream and black along the cityscape cut. This would glitz it up, while reducing the overall contrast along that line, so that the focus could go back to the photo. Changing the outline of the plate from black to silver, and the main color to more of a dove gray rather than a cream, would be a nice touch, too.

Now, if you wanted to really get Kitsch, you could cut the black cityscape with a reverse bevel all along the outside edge, and cut a silver fillet to fit under it, and outline it that way! Then use a silver and black techno style frame. Add some flashing mini-lights, and bolt the doors because the fashion police are coming!

Neato idea as it stands, though, certainly.