Can CMC cutters cut paper, cardstock, vellum?


Grumbler in Training
Jan 7, 2025
Toronto, Canada
Art Consultant
Hi there, I am new to the CMC cutter world - I'm looking at purchasing a second hand "GUNNER F1 hybrid XL" or a "WIZARD 9000" - aside from cutting matboard and foamboard, I was wondering if CMC cutters in general and these machines specifically can cut papers of different textures and thicknesses, watercolour papers, vellum etc.
Any info would be appreciated.
The short answer is yes, with experimentation.
I've cut cardstock down on my Wizard before, specifically glitter cardstock because I hate myself and consented to making a glitter mat.
I either had to turn the pressure way down or I cut it with a scrap mat at normal pressure to get it right. That would be the equivalent of low grade watercolor paper. The heavier watercolor paper would be even easier to cut as it's closer to a 2 ply mat. If by vellum, you are talking about the super thin onion skin paper, that might even be too thin. I would imagine taping the edges down to your scoring mat would help the cut significantly, but it might still be too thin a paper to stand up to the blade by itself. Another idea would be to take a note from the smaller cutting machines like the Cricut and use a super low tack board to stick it to prior to cutting. Depending on the complexity and size of cuts you wish to do with your specialty papers, a smaller machine like the cricut might be more appropriate anyways. OR, if by vellum you are talking about a heavyweight bristol drawing paper, yeah that's about the same weight as watercolor paper! You good.
The vellum we are using is not the thick drawing paper, but a translucent paper slightly thicker than tracing paper and definitely more rigid -- but your advice on cutting a thin paper is definitely helpful. I hate those cricut mats but would maybe a low tack adhesive (we have one called Pixie spray) on a matboard maybe work? it's good to hear before purchasing one of the machines, that with some MacGuyvering, you are optimistic we would make it work. Thank so much for your advice! and sorry to hear about the glitter mat :(
The vellum we are using is not the thick drawing paper, but a translucent paper slightly thicker than tracing paper and definitely more rigid -- but your advice on cutting a thin paper is definitely helpful. I hate those cricut mats but would maybe a low tack adhesive (we have one called Pixie spray) on a matboard maybe work? it's good to hear before purchasing one of the machines, that with some MacGuyvering, you are optimistic we would make it work. Thank so much for your advice! and sorry to hear about the glitter mat :(
Pixie spray would be perfect to experiment with! I used to tell ppl to refresh their Cricut mats with a very similar stencil adhesive. If it's still too tacky and it Mars the paper when removing, you can try linting it a bit with a cotton cloth to get that happy medium
On a Wizard (8000, and Z1) We have cut thinner card stock with no trouble, but I have yet to try anything thinner.
I have only seen a Gunnar in person at a trade show. They tend to be on the more expensive side, so we went with Wizard.
Try giving both companies a call or email. They may have some advice on the topic.
Anything too flimsy or otherwise unsuitable for the above great suggestions can be placed underneath scrap board - simply increase the blade depth a fraction - I used to cut melinex that way on a Valiani
Good idea. I bet that would work for the vellum. I would never put any kind of adhesive or anything involving glitter within 1/4 mile of my Wizard.
:cool: Rick